
What the fuck has happened to this place?

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So much nicey nice, political correctness, brown nosing, ass kissing, and all that other crap that comes along with this type of behavior. Is this any sort of example to set for all the newbies?>:(

What the fuck happened to skydivers being rude, obnoxious, perverted and generally just downright fucking nasty? :ph34r: :S :ph34r:

All you fucking cupcakes better snap out of it and get back to business. Spice it up bitches!

I feel so alone. Will somebody hug me?

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So much nicey nice, political correctness, brown nosing, ass kissing, and all that other crap that comes along with this type of behavior. Is this any sort of example to set for all the newbies?>:(

What the fuck happened to skydivers being rude, obnoxious, perverted and generally just downright fucking nasty? :ph34r: :S :ph34r:

All you fucking cupcakes better snap out of it and get back to business. Spice it up bitches!


Oh and you can fuckoff with the hug. Go masturbate or something. :D

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them."

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So much nicey nice, political correctness, brown nosing, ass kissing, and all that other crap that comes along with this type of behavior. Is this any sort of example to set for all the newbies?>:(

What the fuck happened to skydivers being rude, obnoxious, perverted and generally just downright fucking nasty? :ph34r: :S :ph34r:

All you fucking cupcakes better snap out of it and get back to business. Spice it up bitches!

I feel so alone. Will somebody hug me?

Two words -

Bite me you Funky funky funks funk.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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blah, blah, blah, blah.... :P


I think I was being ignored.:|

WHAT - Ain't got none - WHAT -

I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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aaaaahhhhh funks you are such a little softy heres group hugs for you....http://www.runtotheocean.net/blog/gifts/laurgrouphug.jpg http://www.fun4everybody.com/images/poohhug.gif
even demons need a hug...http://cache.cow.net/~brefin/images/group_hug.jpg
alright I think you get the idea :)
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone!

I like to start my day off with a little Ray of Soulshine™!!

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Fuck You, You fucking Fuck!!

You want a fucking hug.. Go see your mom. And tell her she still owes me for services rendered last night. Cheap ass biatch only paid me for straight sex. I told her it costs extra for me do her in the ass. She still owes me for the extra.

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Fuck You, You fucking Fuck!!

You want a fucking hug.. Go see your mom. And tell her she still owes me for services rendered last night. Cheap ass biatch only paid me for straight sex. I told her it costs extra for me do her in the ass. She still me for the extra.

Ya know. You have now crossed the fucking line. Trying to claim my mom doesnt pay up when she owes money is just fucking wrong. If she said she would pay you then she will fucking pay you.:)

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Blow me!!! Oh, by the way, you suck at freeflying! :D:D

Hey fucker, the only thing i suck at is putting a condom on properly. I really hope the blood test works out in your favor. :ph34r: :)

ps....congrats by the way

Well, unfortunately your father suffered from the same problem. Now we have him to thank for adding another tool to the gene pool! :D:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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Should I disconnect my RSL?

No..but you *may* want to consider swooping USPA headquarters!!


Oh yeah now that sounds like a freakin great idea. don't forget to hook it low. :ph34r:
I may not agree with what you have to say but i'll defend to the death your right to say it.

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Keep your freekin PM`s to yourself.. If you realy want to know how much I charge..Ask it here.. and NO I am not giving you a Family discount!!

Besides.. You probably drag your teeth worse than she did. so NO Im not letting you do that either!!


Bwahahahahaha....OMG, I can barely breath. Damn, that was some funny shit! :D:D:D

The Original Cabana Boy!

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