
Mel Gibson arrested for DUI

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I think its more like 4 drinks for a 170 lb man.

A limit of four beers? I will take your word on that but it is inconceivable that someone would consider themselves safe if they had 4 beers .

My biggest handicap is that sometimes the hole in the front of my head operates a tad bit faster than the grey matter contained within.

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I think its more like 4 drinks for a 170 lb man.

A limit of four beers? I will take your word on that but it is inconceivable that someone would consider themselves safe if they had 4 beers .


That would be 4 beers in the 1st hour of drinking IMO. I can take 3 beers in 1 hours and be below 0.08, and I'm 220 lbs.

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2: The legal limit to drive is .08% which I beleive is approximately 2 drinks for an average sized adult (please correct me if I am wrong on that).

.08% would be more like four beers in an hour for a 170 pound guy. Less than three for a 120 pound woman.

The other thing to note is that many states have a lower limit for a lesser charge (.05% gets you Driving While Ability Impaired in Colorado) and a couple pints can be enough to push you over that.


He was at .12% ( 3 beers).....How out of control could he have been?

Six shots in an hour.

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Most people I know, including myself, who spew out nasty stuff when they're shitfaced, unfortunately believe the shit they're spewing. It's just their normal sense of caution and discretion has abandoned them.

Most alcoholics have serious demons to deal with. You're not an alcoholic that fell of the wagon. He was drunk and people say stupid shit when they are drunk. In vino veritas comes to mind, but the guy is an alcoholic dealing with serious issues. You and I drink to have fun and can control it, sometimes. He couldn't. I'm not making excuses for him, but cut the guy some slack. He has a horrible disease and a long road of recovery ahead of him.

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If it were you or me if we said that kinda shit it would never even make the police report not alone the media

Yes, celebrity crimes hit the media more than non-celebrity crimes. Good call.

One would think that threatening statements against the arresting police officer better be in the report, regardless of who it is being arrested.

Ohne Liebe sind wir nichts

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