
Help us name our new Kitten!!!!

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I've only had a few cats (short term) in my childhood...do they answer to their name anyway? or just "here kitty kitty kitty?" I'm really serious about the question...my kitties never responded to the names I gave them. They just gave me that "go to hell" look instead
I don't ever remember a time when I didn't have a cat. They all responded to their names, in fact, when I was little we had maybe 3 at a time. We had one that was a 'babymaker' and we always had kittens and us kids got to pick 'our cat' till it was time to give them away (we always named my sister Myra's cat something bad like 'Hilter') and the cat responded. Maybe its how you call them.

We got a new kitty yesterday...I'll post pics tomorrow but we're only keeping her for a week because my neighbor, Thomas, found her and he is moving so we're holding her. I call her 'little kitty'...my son Bryant calls her 'Janet'...Thomas calls her 'Jolie April Cat' (he didn't know that was my REAL nickname).

Her final name will be determined if Thomas can take her with him. Either way, she's going to have a loving home. We just gotta decide on ONE name :)

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Look what we got!!!!
A new kitten for PRSky71 and I. She is about 2 months old and we just got her from PetsMart.
Her name tag said "Jane." But of course we are looking at other options........


In some of those photos, she kind of looks like she's posing/modelling... So, and it fits, "Catwalk!"
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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