
feel sad, but i love skydiving

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well, just tonight my last and best whuffo friend 'dumped' me, someone i could say anything to like personal stuff and where i knew of that they wouldnt tell anyonel about it (person is a she)
as of now i really dont have any close friends anymore :( i feel really really very depressed right now, and i feel very very lonely :( , and im beginning to think that there is something wrong with me why pepole dislike me,
i want to get drunk but am not going to do that, i dont think thats a good idea now, i dont know why i post here, i just want to tell someone, and just spill my heart out for a little bit, im sorry if your reading this now and are thinking, 'damn i shouldnt have opened this post'
the only thing that makes me happy now is skydiving ... skydiving ... i love it so much, i dont know what i would do whithout it, i love every aspect of it so much ! thanks for reading ...
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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How the heck did you manage to lose all of your friends in 28 jumps?


Maybe he has been on the student program for a while.

Or maybe . . . just maybe . . . those wern't real friends after all.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Your new friends are waiting for you at the drop zone.:)
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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i didnt lose them just because of skydiving u know, i maybe lost a few because of that, but definately NOT the mayority

True friends stick around a life time no matter what you do. Skydiving or not, even if you have a fall out with a friend, a true one always comes back.
7 ounce wonders, music and dogs that are not into beer

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hey... chin up... it hurts right now... but it won't always hurt... :|

I don't have and have never really had someone like that... be glad that you did... and realize that someday you might again... (that probably doesn't help much right now though...)
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Go see D. Geller & Sons?
You've got a friend in the diamond business.

Seriously though...you didn't specify, but how does one get "dumped" by a friend?
Did skydiving have something to do with it?
Do you think maybe she was looking for something more than "friends" and wasn't getting it?
Sorry for your pain...I'm sure you will have a "friend" in skydiving before too long.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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"Maybe he has been on the student program for a while."
yes i have been on student status fot a while and still am right now i think

"Or maybe . . . just maybe . . . those wern't real friends after all."
sadly enough i think the same thing

"Your new friends are waiting for you at the drop zone"
will be going there much more now

"be glad that you did... and realize that someday you might again... (that probably doesn't help much right now though...) "
i am glad that i did yes, i hope that i wll have new ones, and any word of comforting right now helps, thanks
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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well im not a very social guy, so i dont make new friends fast, but anyway, ive been on a few bordingschools, and each time i changed schools, people would just dump me, and now ive been at a school for 3 years in my hometown (antwerp), and made good friends and a few very good ones, and now that school is over, they dont ever call or make an effort to meet or do something or stuff like that,
it always is me who has to run behind their asses and i dont like it, so is stopped doing that, and i just never hear anything from anyone anymore, and now i just lost my last friend, because that was my last i wanted to make sure that i didnt lose her (wich she of course doesnt understand) and by doing so, she thinks that im to 'sticky' and whine to much, but i hardly ever see her anymore, so i just whine because i dont want to lose her, and now she says that she wants distacne between us
i must says, i have 1 good friend left, thats a guy who i know for 13 years and who was in elementary school with me, but i just see him like, once every month, but when i see him, were best buds, so ok ik have one left but thats it
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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well there you go.

if you are chasing their asses they probably dont consider you a clsoe friend to begin with.

by "not a very social guy" do you mean "like to sit at home and sulk?" because that shit aint fun.

you gotta force yourself into social situations and find soemthign you lke to do and talk with those ppl.

I don't care if it's D&D. just because I dont like doesnt meanits ain't fun.

if they say your whine all the time than maybe you do.
whining all the time is a real downer. lighten up and stop putting a guilt trip on yourself (or them) and learn to goof ofo and enjoy people.

don't mean to sound harsh buttheres no nice way to say that without takig the meaning away.

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Elias, this bears repeating:

True friends stick around a life time no matter what you do. Skydiving or not, even if you have a fall out with a friend, a true one always comes back.

Last week, I chewed my best friend out for a bonehead move; spent three hours really letting her have it. She spent time with me this weekend....

She knows I love her. I know she loves me. She'll take shit off me (and I'll take it off her) that we won't take from anyone else - because we are both certain that we love each other, and only want the best for each other.

True friends will understand when you need them to, and give you grief when you need it, too...and always understand that it's nothing to do with what you feel about each other. Those people who can't understand, or who are not "true" friends, will come and go. They can be fun, but they're not the ones you need in your corner.

There will be other friends...I promise. And enjoy your skydiving. In the meantime, know you're lonely and depressed, and that this site is pretty good about being friendly and a good place to vent.

Hugs to you.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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by "not a very social guy" do you mean "like to sit at home and sulk?" because that shit aint fun.


no, i love to do stuff and go outside, but if theres noone who ants to do something, then i just have to be home (whats sulk mean?)


you gotta force yourself into social situations and find soemthign you lke to do and talk with those ppl.


i do


I don't care if it's D&D. just because I dont like doesnt meanits ain't fun.


whats D&D?? (sry european..)


if they say your whine all the time than maybe you do.


i just "whine" at 1 person, that was the last and i just started whing when i didnt hear things from her anymore


whining all the time is a real downer. lighten up and stop putting a guilt trip on yourself (or them) and learn to goof ofo and enjoy people.


i definately do not whine all the time, i never do until that person dint communicate wtih me anymore
i dont exactly understand what u are meaning with guilt trip, but im guessing thats not the case
what do you mean by ofo? :) ofo, like crazy?
if yes, wel then im mostly only 'ofo' when im drunk
when sober im pretty serious :s


don't mean to sound harsh buttheres no nice way to say that without takig the meaning away.

very true
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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oh, ok.

so then fuck em.;)

find some people who like the same types of things you do.

Sulk means "feel sorry for yourself"
but it sounds as if you do things and do some social stuff. you'll find some decent people.

it sounds like you just moved, right?
eventually you'll find people. until then who cares abou the others that you have to huint down in order to hang out with you.
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