
web pages please

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hey guys. it seems that more and more of you guys are setting up web sites. so heres a thread where you can post your link. This way, when its 2:40 A.M. (like it is now) folks like me can have one page to base our web surfing from :) I cant seem to keep up with everybodys web sites. Pammi~youre a web site mom now?!?!? WTF! i didnt realize that before! congrats :)

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well i don't have a website so rock on!!! LOL
you'll have a mental montage of me soon enough as it is!! xkeys is winning out over my other choice so far!!
now one last question: are there some folks there who listen to techno? that isn't all i listen to but i gotta have it once in awhile!! hehe
the Sis (pardon me I am skiing this evening!! WHOA, long time no snowboard!!)
"What we're all really seeking is something where we can feel the rapture of being alive."J.Campbell

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Website mom? LOL! Um, I have a website, yeah :) I actually have done a few 'semi-professionally' for a few small businesses back home, so I like doing them :) You can only read these threads so many times a day instead of working ya know! Hehe. But yeah, I have a personal one for Merrick and I. He even did a little on it (he works for the same company..go figure eh? Shhhh)
So what about you Froggie girl? Gonna put one up??
"The question is not whether we will die, but how we will live."

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OK, I'll throw one in that is not totally skydiving related: www.bikeny.com I have a bicycle shop/cafe here in Gardiner with links to The Ranch and other local points of interest, and updates on weather and local activities. Any visiting skydivers can get 2 for 1 bike rentals if you find yourself with time on your hands up here. Peace, the bikedude

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I have a bunch-LOL- go figure- some down at the moment, some not. Anybody want one?
most current in the works still
also installed cgi/php programs / fixed html pages for cross browser bullcrap at http://www.dzsports.net
although the layout / content etc is not mine.
http://www.cyberskydive.com will be back soon - so be on the lookout
I also do grapic templates / logos / flash / for clients of some other web design companies like
http://www.addideas.com (didnt do their site, cept for some graphics they insisted on :)
most recent graphic template work will be up soon at
Also did anns site which I have/had alot of ideas for but have to make time, depends on what she decides to do (right ann? love ya babe :)redesigning my design site as we speak at
just in case (sales pitch)
your own virtual server as low as 19.95 a month , domain names $15 a year. Want a website - give me a hollar-LOL

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skydiving link is labelled on teh drop down menu.
techno?? are you kidding? some of our staff members actually spin for the hangar parties! you are set!

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My site is terribly unorganized, so I put up a dummy index with my favorite quote. If you go to my pictures sub-page you can see some of the older stuff. Keep an eye on that site, I'm going to do a major update in the next month. I'll post when something significant goes live. For kicks, you can check out the Princeton Sport Parachute Club site, although I haven't touched it since March.
Blues, squares,

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now one last question: are there some folks there who listen to techno? that isn't all i listen to but i gotta have it once in awhile!! hehe

He Sis. Techno rawks!!! That's not all that I listen too either (80's rocker chick at heart) but I love the intricate works of techno music. Until I started skydiving, my weekends consisted of raves and after hours clubs...now I have settled down to the mundane life of jumping out of airplanes! LOL ;)

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Pammi....I was just checking out your website...and...what???...no pics of the new "baby" yet??? lol ;)
Awesome site! I noticed there is a pic of you after doing a jump. You have to share the trick to still looking divaish after taking off the helmet. :D My hair sticks out EVERYWHERE and I am rather scary after a day at the dz.
Now to finish working my way down the posts and check out the rest of the sites.

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