
Baby storage?

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That's pretty funny, that some company feels it needs to put placards up to tell people not to put their babies in sealed containers.

A buddy of mine once said: if the company needs to make a warning against it, that means that at some time in the past somebody probably did it!

;) or maybe [:/]

Elvisio "no kiddies for the E-man" Rodriguez

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Yeah, actually that's kinda scary. Think of all the placards for stuff that you'd never think anyone was stupid enough to try. If someone actually tried them, wow, that doesn't speak well for the future of the human race.
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For some reason i'm thinking of the South Park episode where Kenny died from sticking a tampon up his ass. If only tampons had a warning to not be used in the ass....kenny might still be alive. :D


I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug!

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not that I would...but DAMN!

You usually see that sign in the women's bathroom on prom nights.

>:( not funny.

You have to know Gareth to understand his humor. I can just hear him saying that in his dry, English accent.

Gareth..........I got it.
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