
What is the most popular color and size for a kill line pilotchute??

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I'd say the most common pc size on sport rigs is 26" or so (ZP or F-111). Bigger gear (i.e. student rigs)- bigger pilot chutes.

Black and white (and maybe grey) seem to be the most common colors (or at least that's what I remember from when I was packing).

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I'm getting a bright red one.

I got it explained like this:

When it's in it's pocket, you don't see it, when it's collapsed and trailing, the color isn't obvious either, but when you're below someone and pull, it will be pretty obvious. I will say "get away NOW!" Not that you want to rely on that, but it's not a disadvantage.
Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet.


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I'm getting a bright red one.

red is not nearly as visible a colour as people tend to think

check these links:

lime yellow firetrucks are safer

bright green to yellow

casual analysis supports yellow/green

it would seem that neon yellow/green is the most visible to most humans

My physiology lecturer at university in 1993 explained to us why neon orange is more visible than neon yellow at long distances, but I couldn't find anything with google to support that.

I might search around some more because I find neon orange to be more visible than neon yellow, but that might be explained by this site: just to confuse you a bit

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