
Does YOUR dog do this?

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So I'm sitting in my chair, typing on the computer...when my husky jumps up and puts his two front paws, one each on each of my shoulders:S:D. ( I think he's trying to spy on me and see what I'm typing)

It's kind of cute but boy does it annoy the heck out of me sometimes! :ph34r:

Does your dog do anything constantly that annoys you?

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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Mine just likes to crawl up under the computer desk. He starts to bath or scratch....hits the power strip and accidently shuts down my machine.

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So I'm sitting in my chair, typing on the computer...when my husky jumps up and puts his two front paws, one each on each of my shoulders:S:D. ( I think he's trying to spy on me and see what I'm typing)

It's kind of cute but boy does it annoy the heck out of me sometimes! :ph34r:

Does your dog do anything constantly that annoys you?

does he also do the back and forth motion with his hips ? :|
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Does your dog do anything constantly that annoys you?

YES!!! She tries to hump any pillow in my house the minute I'm not watching her! It's pretty F***ing disgusting to find your pillow with slobber (and god knows what else) on it. Interesting thing is all the dog forums claim this it is not a "sexual" thing but it is more of her trying to be the alpha dog and show her dominance. I don't know how many times I have to tell her "I'm the Alpha Dog!" Argh!!! :S

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Nope, dogs trained not to jump on people at all...though he does like to put his head in my lap :ph34r:

yep what she said... when Karma comes into the office she will usually just look at me until I acknowledge her (occasionally she'll make a quiet noise... to let me know she's there...) once I do she often tries to walk around me to get in between me and the computer... although since I don't like her under the desk... I'll usually prevent her from doing that...
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Does your dog do anything constantly that annoys you?

I dont even know where to begin.

Imagine a male Jack Russel with severe seperation anxiety, and thats hypersensitive to everything in the universe and leaks pee everywhere when he is wound up (which is most of the time)

The biggest irony is that I didnt even want a dog, but gave in to
my wife, and now I'm standing in the way of my wife having the dog put down.

I think that putting a physically healthy animal down because he is annoying and has emotional problems is wrong.

My mighty steed

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Does your dog do anything constantly that annoys you?

I dont even know where to begin.

Imagine a male Jack Russel with severe seperation anxiety, and thats hypersensitive to everything in the universe and leaks pee everywhere when he is wound up (which is most of the time)

The biggest irony is that I didnt even want a dog, but gave in to
my wife, and now I'm standing in the way of my wife having the dog put down.

I think that putting a physically healthy animal down because he is annoying and has emotional problems is wrong.

Wow, I can't imagine putting a physically healthy dog down. I own a JRT too. She is 6 years old. She calmed down substantially after she was 2 1/2 yo. I'm talking this dog is LAZY now, and I haven't even had her fixed yet (Which I'm doing this month).

How old is your dog?

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Mine does something sort of similar. If I'm on the couch using the laptop, she'll curl up next to me and when she has decided I should stop typing and start petting her, she puts her paw on the keys and starts typing for me. :)
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Wow, I can't imagine putting a physically healthy dog down. I own a JRT too. She is 6 years old. She calmed down substantially after she was 2 1/2 yo. I'm talking this dog is LAZY now, and I haven't even had her fixed yet (Which I'm doing this month).

How old is your dog?

He is 5 and a LONG way from slowing down. Neutered a long time ago. Neutering made literally no difference at all.
In his rare calm moments he is so unbelievably sweet I couldnt help but love him and I feel bad because even though he is off his rocker its not his fault and I cant punish him for it.

Its almost funny at times because you can see him trying real hard to be good and he will sit there as you move toward the door with a look of growing panic on his face. He starts vibrating and finally he cant contain himself any longer and he freaks out and starts barking and whining and leaping up and visciously attacks the door knob.

All the doorknobs in my house are all scratched to hell.

Poor little dog boy :(

My mighty steed

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