
The REAL Problem with the world today...

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Is that we are NOT letting gene pool cleanse itself!!:S[:/]

Perfect Example: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070207/us_nm/newyork_ipod_dc

New York may ban iPods while crossing street
New York State Sen. Carl Kruger says three pedestrians in his Brooklyn district have been killed since September upon stepping into traffic while distracted by an electronic device. In one case bystanders screamed "watch out" to no avail.

Kruger says he will introduce legislation on Wednesday to ban the use of gadgets such as Blackberry devices and video games while crossing the street.

"Government has an obligation to protect its citizenry," Kruger said in a telephone interview from Albany, the state capital. "This electronic gadgetry is reaching the point where it's becoming not only endemic but it's creating an atmosphere where we have a major public safety crisis at hand."

If you are not smart enough to look before crossing the road and then compound the problem by shoving loud Music playing Earbuds into your ears, Then Darwin needs to take care of you. Plain and simple.

The real "major public safety crisis" is that not only are we protecting these idiots, But allowing them to procreate and thereby further diminishing the gene pool.:S:|

The real question is who going to protect the "Citizenry" from all these Stupid people that we depriving of their evolutionary rights?:D

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...The real question is who going to protect the "Citizenry" from all these Stupid people that we depriving of their evolutionary rights?:D

Ummmm...let me guess...another "protect citizenry from themselves" law?

One small step for congressmen, one giant leap for .
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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It's the same argument against seatbelt and helmet laws that has been used with varying degrees of success. Basically it seems as though our society knows that we must protect our citizens, but has yet to decide if we must protect each individual from themselves.

The only legitimate reason I can see to ban the using of gadgets while crossing the street is not to protect the pedestrian, but to protect the people in the car from injury and property damage due to someone elses stupidity.

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but to protect the people in the car from injury and property damage due to someone elses stupidity.

A Small price to pay in order to make the world a slightly more intelligent place to live.:D:D

Maybe we can set up a Trust fund that would reimburse the real victims (People driving the Cars) for any damage done to their cars by Stupid people that walk out in from of them. After all, It a great service they are doing the rest of us by eliminating those genes from the gene pool.[:/]

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good point.

If people want to be stupid & Darwin themselves out of existence, they should do it in ways that don't traumatize other citizens.

Imagine if it was you that hit one of these fucktards.

still, I don't believe that passing yet another law is the way to do it.
Speed Racer

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Which of you'uns wants to start the countdown for this threads move to SC.

Speaking of a Shallow Gene Pool..:o:D:D:D

Do you really want us to discuss your genealogy on a public forum?? :S:P
"No cookies for you"- GFD
"I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65
Don't be a "Racer Hater"

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Which of you'uns wants to start the countdown for this threads move to SC. :P

I'm down with that Bro, wanna start a pool on it!
*My Inner Child is A Fucking Prick Too!
*Everyones entitled to be stupid but you are abusing the priviledge
*Well I'd love to stay & chat, But youre a total Bitch! {Stewie}

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If they pass an ipod law, they need to pass (more) cell phone laws, radio and cd player laws, and what ever is distracting us 10 years from now.

I'd like an non-ipod section at my favorite restaurant now, 'cause I'm starting to feel the effects of second-hand pod. ;)

I once tried going out on my Rollerblades with a little armband radio, and within 2 or 3 minutes, I couldn't take the distraction (too many hills and stop signs.) Actually scared the shit out of me, not being able to hear anyone approaching.

Maybe we should have what could be called a "Cognitive Awareness Law." Under this law, whenever you are doing anything requiring movement, you must be fully awake and aware in the present moment, focusing your attention sharply, and no unrelated electronic devices are permitted.

Punishment for breaking the Cognitive Awareness Law starts with forced nightly meditation and you lose your ipod and cell for a week.

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