
My iPod makes me say, "Grrrr!"

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WTF? I'm not the most technical person when it comes to my (few) gadgets, so I have no idea of what in the heck is wrong. When I plug my magical iPod into the wall charger or the stereo dock, it seems to work okay. When it's plugged into my computer, it has the little animated "Please wait. Very low battery" screen even though it had just been fully charged using the wall charger. When I try to use it all on its lonesome, it does absolutely nothing. What in the heck is wrong with it? Does anybody have any suggestions other than following the advice on the apple site?

If living without my iPod is like living in the good ol' days, I don't want it!!!!!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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Hard drive-based iPods get quirky after about two years. Lotsa small moving parts being bounced along in daily use.

I've taken to giving my 4th Gen 40GB iPod an occasional "Techincal Tap: when it craps out. In short, I slam the shit out of it a few times, and it works again for a few weeks.

I'm not going to get another iPod until they get at least 20GB flash based versions.
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I see a thread on Apple discussions that seems to be blaming the firmware....if you are using Firmware 1.2.1 this might be the source of your problem. You can check the firmware version by going into "Settings" from the main menu and then going to "About". The Version number will tell you what firmware version you are using.

What model of iPod do you have? How long have you owned it? How long has it been exhibiting this behavior? Did this just start occurring? If it is still in warranty have you called Apple? Do you live near an Apple Store? What have you tried already?

Have you been letting it get very low by using it for a long time before recharging it? Other suggestions I saw on the Apple discussions recommend letting the iPod battery die completely, recharge, let it die completely and recharge to recondition or reset the battery somehow.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I see a thread on Apple discussions that seems to be blaming the firmware....if you are using Firmware 1.2.1 this might be the source of your problem. You can check the firmware version by going into "Settings" from the main menu and then going to "About". The Version number will tell you what firmware version you are using.

What model of iPod do you have? How long have you owned it? How long has it been exhibiting this behavior? Did this just start occurring? If it is still in warranty have you called Apple? Do you live near an Apple Store? What have you tried already?

Have you been letting it get very low by using it for a long time before recharging it? Other suggestions I saw on the Apple discussions recommend letting the iPod battery die completely, recharge, let it die completely and recharge to recondition or reset the battery somehow.

I do have 1.2.1....maybe that's it.

I have the 30 gig photo/video one. I've owned it for a little over a year. The battery issue just started on Sunday (I've noticed other problems with it since...Oct?) No, it's not still in warranty. I work by an Apple Store, so if (what I'm hoping for) it's just the battery needing to be replaced...I'll hop on over there! I've tried going through all their steps on their site.

It doesn't usually go very low....maybe once every week or two. Unfortunately, I can't let it die completely now, since it won't work without being plugged in to something!!!!

I'll have to check out the thread about the 1.2.1 issue later! Thanks for posting that!!!!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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I hear the batteries are expensive and can be replaced if you read up on how to do it, try searching for instructions.

For the sake of being a little thinner, the use of a custom battery doesn't seem like a good trade off to me.
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I hear the batteries are expensive and can be replaced if you read up on how to do it, try searching for instructions.

For the sake of being a little thinner, the use of a custom battery doesn't seem like a good trade off to me.

New batteries aren't that expensive. For example, 5th Gen replacements from Newer Technologies are 19.99 and 27.99 for the 30 and 60gb models. They come with tools to open the case. I replaced the battery in my 2nd gen iPod a couple years ago with one of their kits and it was quite easy.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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You have a dead battery. The Ipod battery is designed to last about 18 months. After that either the battery or the unit needs to be replaced. Same thing happened to me.
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My iPod makes me a little pissed off too. At least today it does. I just bought a new CD, uploaded it to iTunes, and I can't get it on my iPod because it is not being recognized by my computer as being plugged in. Probably more the computer than anything else, but the iPod is part of the process, so it's just as guilty.
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But Val, you're so sexy when you growl.:o:) grrr:$

:D I put "grrr" in the title as opposed to the swear words I'm actually thinking.

Well, I don't think it's the Firmware. It's still not working. At this point, I really hope it's the battery (ie, something that can be fixed...I don't want to buy another one.)

Thanks for the suggestions everyone!
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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have you tried power it off and then on again...I think you hold the menu button and the center button down and the same time for 5 seconds...I leave mine plugged into my car stero most of the time but when I take it out to use it in the gym, sometimes it gets a bit sketchy so I just reset it and it's fin. good luck.

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