
Action Shot from the TRI

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Great picture! You look great !!! Great ankles!!!!
I wish my ankle was good to ride the bike again :(

too bad the shot wasnt from the other side.. my skydiving tattoo is on the other ankle:)

You look HOT :$:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Nice job !! Stick with your training plans,you'll be glad you did.

I've got a Duathlon 3 olymic distance Tri's and a Half Ironman on the schedule for this year.

Scott B|

scott, how the heck do yo uhave time to train for them? i'd train for an olympic distance one, but i have a full time job..[:/] (and a few other hobbies) i really can only afford max 2hrs a day to workout

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It's being consistant with your training more than anything. Volume is certainly important, however quality training and consistancy will yeild the best results and keep you injury free.

Don't forget recovery days, and listen to your body. If your pushing your training to much, your body will tell you to rest and go skydiving B|.

Feel free to pm me If you have any questions. I've learned allot from some great triathletes and I would be happy to share the info.

"there's a fine line between hobby and mental illness"

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Nice job !! Stick with your training plans,you'll be glad you did.

I've got a Duathlon 3 olymic distance Tri's and a Half Ironman on the schedule for this year.

Scott B|

Whici Tris?
"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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thanks scott, the program i'm starting today i'm actually using a woman's tri trng book i bought, doing the workouts listed for every day, they actually seem kinda lite to me so i'll be doing more than whats listed, so we'll see, i may end up training for the olympic distance even if the sprint one is what i have in mind, i'll PM you if if i have any questions over the next 2 months:)
we should find a good tri somewhere in the country for all dzcommers to come to:)
or better yet.. who's in for the bay to breakers race?:P

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A couple of locals here in Michigan. My "A" race will be Steelhead in august.


Nice. Training for the Nautica NYC, then of course, the NYC Marathon in Nov. My training starts March 1.

"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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Hooray!! :)Nice pic!!

I'm training to be able to run for more than 5 minutes at a time!! Woo-hoo! B|

Cool that you are doing triathalons. At one time, I thought maybe I could get myself to that point...but now, not so much. :ph34r:

Keep posting pics and stuff!! :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I'm already signed up for that one, so If anyone decides to do it, let me know and we'll get together.


and hey scott, I may actually be able to make that one.. depends on when the military decides to get me my stuff from moving, bc i have to be in DC by the 28th at the latest, so we'll just have to see, but i'll let ya know :)

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A couple of locals here in Michigan. My "A" race will be Steelhead in august.


Nice. Training for the Nautica NYC, then of course, the NYC Marathon in Nov. My training starts March 1.


March 1?? So I will never have a drink with you? Ok. I see how it is... ;)

I admire you guys. You're both awesome. :)

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It's not that big of a deal. a "drink" could be club soda. So there. You just want to get me drunk and take advantage of me.

Sheesh. Women. All the same.

"Why'd you track away at 7,000 feet?"
"Even in freefall, I have commitment issues."

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