
Ocean into Sky... How do you connect?

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I just wanted to get some feelings from others on something I feel skydivers are very tuned in with and that is the environment.

I just got back from a week in Maui and it struck me just how connected I can get to an environment. I apologize if I am getting sappy. What I am wondering is how many feel that connection? I mean it is hard for me to describe the feeling when I look out on the ocean and see it melt into the sky. I guess with how fast life has gotten I realized just how much I might be missing. Maybe my fellow skydivers can relate or maybe I am just babbling. Feel free to babble also if you have felt this before.
Sky Canyon Wingsuiters

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Last light load on Saturday 15 way, with a BIG storm rolling onfrom the West
Under canopy a GIANT ORANGE Sun setting behind storm clouds rolling in with lightening, it was both sureal and very very cool to watch.
The storm front was not very wide so behind it was clear skies, so the sun was very visible through the oncomming rain,
The rain filteres all the harsh light out and you got this big orange ball about 10 degrees above the horizonB|B|B|
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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I hear ya'. I often feel a oneness, so to speak, with what I see in the outdoors. It's almost eerie. Don't usually talk about it when I'm feeling it 'cos I figure it's probably just me. Glad to know that's not the case!
Blue skies & happy jitters ~Mockingbird
"Why is there something rather than nothing?"

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Sunset loads are probably my favorite and then probably those days with the big fluffy clouds that the bottoms start at about 5k and end at about 10k and on the plane ride you know you will soon be so close you could touch them. I guess that is why I connected so quickly to skydiving is just how connected you can feel to your surroundings. The quiet feeling of being under canopy, nothing between you and the environment. Ahhh good stuff
Sky Canyon Wingsuiters

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I've been doing a lot of job searching lately, and have decided I'm willing to take a big paycut in order to keep my crappy little apartment on the lakeshore. The thought of leaving this beautiful vantage point saddens me more than the thought of buying fewer toys and getting a cheaper car. Every day I can watch the sun rise over water. Every day the view is different.

What I remember most clearly about my first skydive, 18 years ago, is looking down between my feet and laughing at the sight of a little wispy cloud between them. On that first jump, I was more thrilled by the radical change of perspective than anything else. So thrilled by just looking around that I forgot to even think about locating the DZ until they yelled at me on the radio!:D

So I'm speaking from very low jump numbers, and it's uncertain whether I'll be able to fly an airplane or skydive again anytime soon, but I think I and many others here know where you're coming from. The action, the rush, the adrenaline are all very good of course, but consider how marvelous a thing it is to sit in space for a moment and enjoy the view.


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You aren't alone here. Two weeks ago I jumped at SD san fran. The trip to altitude was breathtaking. The sun was setting on the ocean and the Coastal range was snow capped. How I wish I had more time in the air. Today I jumped at Davis. Instead of a sit fly, I did a solo belly. I sucked in the view! Snow capped mountains to the north and to the east, the ocean just visable. I was told you can see the golden gate from altitude on a clear day. I opened high so that I could continue to enjoy it under canopy. Even before skydiving, I used to get very sappy over the ocean. I've made some of my best life decisions at the ocean!

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I just wanted to get some feelings from others on something I feel skydivers are very tuned in with and that is the environment.

I just got back from a week in Maui and it struck me just how connected I can get to an environment. I apologize if I am getting sappy. What I am wondering is how many feel that connection? I mean it is hard for me to describe the feeling when I look out on the ocean and see it melt into the sky. I guess with how fast life has gotten I realized just how much I might be missing. Maybe my fellow skydivers can relate or maybe I am just babbling. Feel free to babble also if you have felt this before.

I love the sky...I love the ocean. I skydive and scuba, although I have been in scuba a lot longer than jumping. Both get me going, get me pumped and I see beauty in both of the sports. We also boat over in the san juan islands....have a 38ft bayliner and go over twice a month. Every time we are there the view is different even though we go to the same places. beauty surrounds us all of the time....we just need to take a moment to notice. From one babbler to another;)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I just got back from a week in Maui and it struck me just how connected I can get to an environment. I apologize if I am getting sappy. What I am wondering is how many feel that connection? I mean it is hard for me to describe the feeling when I look out on the ocean and see it melt into the sky. I guess with how fast life has gotten I realized just how much I might be missing. Maybe my fellow skydivers can relate or maybe I am just babbling. Feel free to babble also if you have felt this before.

I, too, have marvelled at the cycles of nature,
as I looked out at the pastoral scene of the cows grazing in the pasture.

Along comes an evening thunderstorm.

The next day there are mushrooms growing out of the cow patties.

These really help you get in touch with nature.

The sky can look like a window with hoarfrost on it.

Babble over.

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I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world. I do a lot of hiking in the summer months and when your up on a peak looking down at Tahoe it takes you breath away every time. You really can't describe the views. You have to see them for yourself. Just the other day I went down to Burn Cedar Beach in Incline Village and no matter how many times I sit down there the view is always different. Well relaxing on the beach I had my laptop and I was picking up internet service. So I was posting from the beach. The lake for some reason the view of the lake was one that I felt I hadn't seen before. The water was pure glass and the mountains reflection looked as if they were stretching from the bottom of the lake to the sky. It was the most perfect and calm I had seen the lake look.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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