Where Have You Always Wanted to Go?

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I was talking with someone today who is planning a month-long trip to Europe. She said she thought she was the only one who has never been there before.

I've never been to Europe, but I've never wanted to go either. I've never been to Disneyland. I've kinda wanted to go there for the last 45 years or so. :D

Where do you want to visit?
What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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Where do you want to visit?

I've always wanted to become the proverbial crystallographic ant so that I could visit all the various minerals crystal lattices. I especially long to visit the clinopyroxene lattice as the mineral fascinates me.

Just think of walking around all those atoms and bonds; mirror planes stretching here and there...

Maybe even see a few dislocations - or a pencil glide axis!!!! :o:)B|B|
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Well, Mt. Kilamanjaro, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and most of the rest of Europe. Egypt. Dubai when they make that place amazing.

Brazil, antartica, alaska, china, japan, himilayas.

Moscow. Austrailia, new zealand, thailand, hawaii.

the moon.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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I've never understood the appeal to visiting foreign countries. What would you do there?

Are you serious?

See something different and try to expand your mind.. that is what you do there.

Personally, I have Chile, Alaska, New Zealand and some place tropical and isolated (don't know where yet) on my list of places to go in the next five years.

In two years I'm going to have a clinical fellowship year to complete and I'm going to try to get a fellowship in New Zealand. It would be so cool to live there for a year, my boyfriend is really pushing for that.

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In two years I'm going to have a clinical fellowship year to complete and I'm going to try to get a fellowship in New Zealand. It would be so cool to live there for a year, my boyfriend is really pushing for that.

Wow, awesome! Take me with you?? :)

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Well see what the rest of the world looks like. What the people are like. There is a lot of history in this world and most of it does not exist in the united states.

I think If I ever really had a good sum of money I'd spend at least a year going to these places and actually staying there for awhile to really learn about them and the people there.
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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I've never understood the appeal to visiting foreign countries. What would you do there?

I agree with you. I was stationed in Germany for 3 years. It was interesting, but really I just wanted to go home. The weather sucked, the people weren't very nice, and you're not supposed to eat the beef. Who does that to themselves? Anyhow, it was a fun experience, but I don't think that I would want to live there again. There are things that I wish that I would have gone to see while I was there. Like the castles and stuff. I saw plenty of the countryside.

Funny story, I was on a field exercise near Ashaffenburg. I was a remote relay team on top of what we called Hitler Hill. We were out there for 10 days. Well, about day 7 we had run out of pogey bait. So me and one of the other guys took a walk down the hill to the town. If you can imagine the look on some of the locals faces as we just walked out of the wilderness down the main street. We stocked up on some junk food and hiked back up the hill. Ahh, the good old days.
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Are you serious?




See something different and try to expand your mind.. that is what you do there.


More specifically, what would you do that would expand your mind? That sounds like something I'd do in the library.

What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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I've never understood the appeal to visiting foreign countries. What would you do there?

Mostly just embarass your country.

Hey!>:( Not all tourists are from the US.[:/]
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Where do you want to visit?

I'd want to go to Lindercles' place. I'd take a paper sack full of turds, put it in front of his door and light it on fire. Then I'd ring the doorbell and hide around the corner so I could shoot video of the fun!

He'd open the door, see the fire and stomp it out. Then he'd see that he had shit all over his shoes. I'd step out from around the corner and would point and laugh at him.

Or maybe I would visit the Pope and ask him what's up with that funny hat.


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I've never understood the appeal to visiting foreign countries. What would you do there?

I more or less agree with you but will expand on it... I don't see the appeal of visiting another country as a tourist... living in another country for a period of time is intriguing and allows someone to more effectively expand their knowledge of a culture... but just visiting is not as effective at least in my opinion.

I like jumper03's idea for a "place" to visit and... I also think it would be kind of cool to visit the moon... B|
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I'd want to go to Lindercles' place. I'd take a paper sack full of turds, put it in front of his door and light it on fire. Then I'd ring the doorbell and hide around the corner so I could shoot video of the fun!

He'd open the door, see the fire and stomp it out. Then he'd see that he had shit all over his shoes. I'd step out from around the corner and would point and laugh at him.

oHHH, I want to go there too!! Hey walt, I'll drive:D:D

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I agree visiting doesn't really allow one to grasp the whole culture, but staying a few weeks definitely can give you some kind of over view.

According to just about every teacher I had in elementary school we should be on the moon right now having drinks. Then next month we can head on over to mars.
lies!!!!! all lies!!!!!!
Skymama's #2 stalker -

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