
It went in the bag!!!

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I have been struggling for months on getting the canopy in the bag.... and with the help of everyone's advice and patience, I put the canopy in the bag on the first try finally!!!!!!! Maybe these 2 hour pack jobs will turn into 30 minute pack jobs.

Thank you to everyone for your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PMS #449 TPM #80 Muff Brother #3860
SCR #14705 Dirty Sanchez #233

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:)Now,, Just think of all the fun things you can do with all those extra 90 minutes chunks of time...B|:o
like socializing or
having lunch or
getting a cold drink or
watching others skydiving or
heading over to manifest to get yourself onto the next load...B|;):)
or just sitting in the shade with a grin on your face because you packed your Own rig,,, AND you saved the money you would have spent to have someone else pack for you......:ph34r:
skydive safely

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So, what did it for you?

(And don't say finally coating the canopy in enough sweat that it started to grip and not slide around so much :)
"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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Just hooked up my brand new 0 jumps Safire 2. Getting it in the bag was :$ :S >:( [:/] :).

I appreciate your well deserved satisfaction. If you want more practice come on up to Titusville - I'd be happy to let you work on this beastie.

Every day is a bonus - every night is an adventure.

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Cool as!!!!

This is the bit of packing that has me growling and cussing.

Oh well I am sure like you I will crack this nut one day soon. It has just been so hot over here lately and the heat and I do not go well especially when I have a canopy to get into a D Bag!

To top it all of this 1 jump wonder of a tandem student has cracked packing already and she floats around the DZ all calm and serene and occasionally comes over offering to help! Gggrrrrrrr. I know I am pathetic now bugger off!!

On the bright side I have done so many "Pro" bits of the packing now I can do that bit in about 2 minutes flat now!!!!

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i know it can be a bit frustrating when i got my new canopy i was shit out of luck. i had new slippy zp and pro-pack to learn at the same time. just would not go into the bag or if it did it was how can i say "funky". watching others learning other packers little tricks and practice,practice practice. Some of the things people show you don't work for you, you tend to develop your own way of doing things to achieve the same ends:)
I would say that i am not super fast but consistant my openings are the same. I packed a brand new canopy for some one 2 weeks ago that had only been in the bag twice :ph34r: surpisingly it went in without a problem and it took longer than doing my own.

you will get their its not a race, rush it and it may comeback and bite you on the ass so be consistant, o yes smile.:)

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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[ just would not go into the bag or if it did it was how can i say "funky".

My packing method goes as such...... "scruntchy" cuss, swear scruntch some more...sweat profusely, stomp about a bit and make a scene, pick the whole lot up and shake it around psychotically and then start again only to repeat the above!:S

Eventually some dear soul will take pity on me and sort it out. But it would be nice to be 100% independant within the next 10 or so jumps. And it is getting a bit of a pain in the arse having to get someone to pack for me because they are quick so I can get on the next load. The rules states if you are not packed then don't manifest. Sods law dictates that the black ball of shit over in the east will be overhead when the lift after goes up!!!!!

I will get it in the bag...I will get it in the bag!!!!:)

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it does get better honest :ph34r: well easier. take your kit home and practice whereyou have fewer distractions or pressure. Take your time and get it right speed comes with time and practice i used to have real problem getting it in the bag as well and it was a Sibson freeflyer who showed me a easier way to get it there and believe me my bag is small very small for my canopy. Speak to the packers at your dz get them to watch you give you tips and help point out where you are haveing problems. It is technique more than anything.

yes you can do it:)
O yeh i swore a fair amount almost did a Basil Fauwlty on my canopy :o:S:D

Billy-Sonic Haggis Flickr-Fun

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O yeh i swore a fair amount almost did a Basil Fauwlty on my canopy :o:S:D

LMAO! I have with most of the DZ watching!!:S

I guess it is a case of "chill ,baby, chill". Thing is I don't do cool very well unless sedated.[:/]:D

Ahh I will get there I know! I Have to! Thanks for the words of encouragement, at least now I know most people struggle (unlike Miss 1 tandem and I can pack female!:P) God don't you just hate that! And I bet she will piss all over me by 10 jumps, crack out a 10 point skydive or something silly like that! Cow!

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