
Hell's Kitchen. Do You Watch It?

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I like Julia, and hope that it's she and Rock who are the 2 left standing at the final vote. Serves all the others right who left before her, that mocked her ability and talent.

While she doesn't have fine dining skills and her admission about never having tried lobster didn't help her cause...I think she's really trying hard to learn. And win. :)

Jin, the little minx... She'd hid her history until this week. Out of the shadows and into the light...

Yeah...makes you wonder what other secrets she has up her sleeves. :ph34r:

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I really don't think she has that much more up her sleeve. She doesn't impress me that much...kind of timid.

And I'm thinking it's going to be next week's episode, since they're introducing a red and blue menu. I ended up eating off the red menu. Had the Oso Buco.


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She wasn't quite so timid tonight when she was getting all the women to get that food out in a timely manner! ;)


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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I've been watching this show and all I can say is that it would literally be a cold day in hell before I took that kind of abuse off of ANYBODY!!! :o

That, and my general level of disgust that they put such a fucking asshole on t.v. and act like it's "entertainment," are two of the reasons I wouldn't watch that piece of shit show if you paid me to do it.

It's human degenerate behavior masquerading as entertainment. It's not something we should celebrate, or watch. That asshole on the show should be locked in a fucking cell on medications. (Or someone should just beat the living shit out of him for being such a total shitbag asshole to so many people.)

Short answer: No, I don't watch the show. :P
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OH NO!!!! :o (slaps face in a "Home Alone" Macauley Culkin type way)

Are the new episodes of that on now too? :o

Not sure; we're watching DVR'd episodes so I can't tell if they are old or new really. :$
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OH NO!!!! :o (slaps face in a "Home Alone" Macauley Culkin type way)

Are the new episodes of that on now too? :o

Not sure; we're watching DVR'd episodes so I can't tell if they are old or new really. :$

I guess it depends on the cable service. On Comcast, the current ones would be listed "New, (2007)"
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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I see...well I never really bothered to look at the screen I guess. my hubby and daughter are the DVR experts. I just watch whatever they put on. :P

It is episode 3 if that means anything to anyone.

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Jin, the little minx... She'd hid her history until this week. Out of the shadows and into the light...

Yeah...makes you wonder what other secrets she has up her sleeves. :ph34r:

I missed that part of last week's episode. What's her history?????

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Jin, the little minx... She'd hid her history until this week. Out of the shadows and into the light...

Yeah...makes you wonder what other secrets she has up her sleeves. :ph34r:

I missed that part of last week's episode. What's her history?????

She presented her history as several years as a pastry chef, then let it out that she had significant experience as a sous chef and executive chef.

Last night she presented herself as a self-serving bitch ... as did Roc.

High drama on the airwaves ...I love it!
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Last night she presented herself as a self-serving bitch ... as did Roc.

I agree. They have both always seemed to be a bit snobby, IMHO. But last night they really showed their true colors. Especially Rock. With his arms crossed in that "touch me not" attitude, he came across as a smug, arrogant ass. Of course, hasn't he always? :ph34r:

I'm really surprised that Chef didn't go off on the guys more for not helping Josh out when he told them to.

And Bonnie. Can we PLEASE get rid of the little whiner now? >:(

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Of course not. She's cute and cute=ratings.

I do have to admit that she is cute. And I like the new haircut. But God....she's driving me nuts! I mean...cooking without turning the stove on? Or the delivery she completely screwed up? Did you see those fish skeletons??? Come on.....:o


Wait, you didn't actually think the show was about the food, did you?

Silly me. Thinking that a show with "kitchen" in the title was about food. :D

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Of course not. She's cute and cute=ratings.

I do have to admit that she is cute. And I like the new haircut. But God....she's driving me nuts! I mean...cooking without turning the stove on? Or the delivery she completely screwed up? Did you see those fish skeletons??? Come on.....:o


Wait, you didn't actually think the show was about the food, did you?

Silly me. Thinking that a show with "kitchen" in the title was about food. :D

Bonnie is annoying. To her credit, however, she was the only one trying to get some sort of communication going.

Julia is a trooper and I think she would be great running the kitchen at, say an Appleby's but an upscale eatery ...I don't think so.
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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Julia is a trooper and I think she would be great running the kitchen at, say an Appleby's but an upscale eatery ...I don't think so.

While I AM cheering for Julia, I'm sadly aware that you are right. She keeps asking what all of the fancy foods are. You have to know that sort of thing in "fine dining."

But then, Bonnie doesn't have the backbone to run her own restaurant either. She gets confused and upset too easily. I don't think she could manage her staff. They'd be running all over her.

Although I am not overly fond of Chef's treatment of the participants, you do have to have a wealth of knowledge and a firm control on the mechanisms of a properly run, profitable business (of any kind).

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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At this point in the competition, I'm thinking Rock is going to take it. I think Julia is exceeding our expectations, but her level of fine dining mentality is not there. I agree that Bonnie is not strong enough to run a kitchen on her own nor is she seasoned enough. Rock seems to be the only logical person at this point. Josh would have to pull his head outta his ass to prove he could handle an entire kitchen on his own. Jen...just doesn't seem strong enough.


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You can teach skills (fine dining ingredients) you HIRE character.

Julia has the character and the instincts - the rest is easy to learn in about a week.

Who thinks it's going to be 2 women at the finals again?

If you like Hell's Kitchen, check out "The F Word" and "Kitchen Nightmares" on BBCAM. Both awsome and shows Gordon in other lights...

Is a chicken omelette redundant?

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That, and my general level of disgust that they put such a fucking asshole on t.v. and act like it's "entertainment," are two of the reasons I wouldn't watch that piece of shit show if you paid me to do it.

It's human degenerate behavior masquerading as entertainment. It's not something we should celebrate, or watch. That asshole on the show should be locked in a fucking cell on medications. (Or someone should just beat the living shit out of him for being such a total shitbag asshole to so many people.)

Better not watch shows like "Married with Children" or "Everybody Loves Raymond" and the like. They degrade men at every turn, but in a more subtle (and demeaning way).

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