
Deploying To Japan

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general consensus is skydiving is mega expensive and hard to do in Japan, which is why a good deal of jappanese skydivers make trips to the states.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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Im not sure where they are at in location to where you are going to be deployed, but I know of two. tokyo skydiving club http://www2s.biglobe.ne.jp/~TSDC/english.htm
and there is another in a city called togeki-ken its a small club but the people are great, I was there last year and had a good time. good luck, enjoy Japan its a great country.

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Since I was stationed there in my pre-skydiving days for 13 months, and this time I will be going from country to country where there might not be any skydiving at all, I will be craving to feel some air under my wings. Thats why I said "Deployment". Possible ground launching though.

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I am getting deployed to Japan in Jan. Just seeing if anyone has jumped / and or knows of any DZ's over there near Iwakuni. ( 30 minutes away from Hirsohima ).

I spent 1975 in Iwakuni.

Hiroshima is an interesting place to spend time - explore the city on foot. Many beautiful gardens. Castle with museum of ancient Japanese life. And a thought-provoking A-bomb museum.

There is also a university there that specializes in foreign languages, with English being the most popular. So you can find plenty of young Japanese dying to try out their English skills on you. There were even get-together clubs for Americans and Japanese to hang out with each other.

Be sure to go see Ken-tai bridge, a few miles inland, an old-fashioned wood arch, built with no nails. And up on the hill behind that is a castle with Samurai stuff inside. At night they have cormorant fishing, where guys in traditional canoes burn firebrands to attract fish, and then send tethered water birds over the side to catch the fish, and reel them back in.

Between Iwakuni and Hiroshima is Miya Jima Island. You take a ferry over there, where there is a huge famous Torri (arch) in the water, with a nice place of worship. Climb the mountain, enjoy the deer. Watch the clammers wade in the mud at low tide.

I used to bicycle the roads up into the mountains, alongside cold streams, with a waterfall or two. There are still caves dug up there where the Japanese were going to hide from the American invasion. You can find small villages where the kids have never, or rarely, seen Americans - they'll follow you around and make you feel like the Pied Piper.

The south side of the base has a sailing club - take lessons and slide around the bay on a small sailboat. Watch out of the area marked off for P3 sub-hunter aircraft takeoffs and landings.

Enjoy the downtown life in Iwakuni, with game parlors and bars. Play Pachinko.

The base should have guided bus tour services available for entertainment. You can run off into other areas, to see things like Shohodu cave.

I don't think the skydiving scene will be great. But there's a ton of wonderful cultural activities to enjoy. Soak it all up - it's a once in a lifetime experience. Don't waste your time getting drunk on base all year...

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don't know how long this post has been on here. What command you with. Cause I'm out here now, and looking for a jumping buddy

December 12 2005
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Hey tippie, it's me, cody.... last year when i was in japan we looked for a dropzone (it was b4 i started but we were gonna do tandems) and we were unsuccessful..... but are you going to be and ace for a meu or what.... cause i may go back there again soon after i get back (i will have to extend my contract) anyway.... hey, how you doing?

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Cory, I recently got stationed in Sasebo, Nagasaki on Kyushu; so if you know of anywhere in the western Japan area please let me know. I want to get to Tokyo/Yokosuka sometime, which would mean I could get up with the Tokyo Skydiving club, but I haven't found anything closer.

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Go to a baseball game in Hiroshima. Great fun. Kyoto and Nara are a fun weekend trip. Fukuoka is also a fantastic city to visit and easy to get to. Beware of habusaka


Vinny the Anvil
Post Traumatic Didn't Make The Lakers Syndrome is REAL

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Sorry, your not allowed to say Japan is a deployment.....Extended Vacation sounds good.

Yeah, that's what I was getting ready to say. Enjoy your time there. Japan is awesome.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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