
Radiohead releases new LP for free download

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Well, free if you want it free or you can pay whatever you feel is fair...entirely up to the buyer.

I have been trying all afternoon to complete a transaction and download but their website must be swamped as I am having no success at all.

This should work for you but right now it won't load at all for me...


"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I ordered it a couple of days ago and payed £4.50. I figured thats at least thrice as much as if they had released it as normal on CD without shop, label, managment and dist. costs.

Not their best but still good. I am glad someone understands new media at last. I will probably buy the new Jamirquai album as well just to encourage this was of direct distribution.

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Hopefully what Radiohead and NIN are doing will catch on and the RIAA will shrivel up and die. I stopped buying new CD's just because the the RIAA. Now I only buy used ones. But I would be willing to buy new if I knew the performer was getting all the money, and not some organized criminal organization masquerading as a business.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I've been trying all day to download this... must be going well for them.

My radio station just played the whole thing and I'm excited to download it now...

Didn't know Jamiroquai was coming out with a new album... I'm all over that one!

Arianna Frances

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Harvey Danger did this a few years ago as well (pretty sure it was Harvey Danger at least), it got a 30 second clip on the news and that was the last I heard of it. I doubt it has much chance of catching on, not that I wouldn't mind if it did, the record companies are just too greedy.

Yep it was Harvey Danger. http://www.harveydanger.com/downloads/ They did it in September '05.

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Hopefully what Radiohead and NIN are doing will catch on and the RIAA will shrivel up and die. I stopped buying new CD's just because the the RIAA. Now I only buy used ones. But I would be willing to buy new if I knew the performer was getting all the money, and not some organized criminal organization masquerading as a business.

Copy that...Big time.

I'm so tired of these Fat Cat suits raping artists, and leaving them with pennies. Well a lot of pennies, but you know ehat I mean.

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Makes sense to me. Real fans and audiophiles will buy the CD to hear high-quality music at a 44.1 KHz sampling rate (better than human hearing can distinguish). People that just want the song as a low-def ringtone can download it free. More than a few will download the album and later decide they want better quality and buy it.

I will always buy music I like direct from the artist, but I refuse to buy any new music that has an RIAA label. A simple death is too good for the RIAA - they need to be tortured some as well >:(

(Edit - grammatical error)

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