
Black Widow

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So here I sit at my computer at work minding my own buisness reading DZ.com when a Black Widow with a legspan of almost 2" crawls across the keyboard. I thought halloween was over. Anyway I've I've got the big sumbitch in a jar now and she is quite pissed. I"ll take her home and show my wife and then dispose of her. I've seen hobo, boxer and brown recluse here in my store but this is the first widow. It's getting colder and they're coming inside.

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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LOL anything that is poisonous to me is my enemy. I'm not a huge fan of spiders considering I've been bitten and infected more than once .

They are all EVIL!!! :P


"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
Raddest Ho this side of Jersey #1 - MISS YOU
OMG, is she okay?

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Awwwww! Don't let her out in your house. Take her to the neighbor you like the least and let her play in their garden.

I can't believe YOU just said that. :o:D

:D Why? I don't mind spiders. Or was it the neighbor thing? :)
TPM Sister #102

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I had a change of heart. But only because you said please. She is now back outside getting cold again. Normally I let spiders live but not widows or any other poisonous ones.Have had friends bit by widows and its not that bad. But the recluse, hobos and boxers bites start deteriorating the skin and muscle around the bite and it's absolutley horrible and painful. This Black Widow owes you one big time.

I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands.

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Awwwww! Don't let her out in your house. Take her to the neighbor you like the least and let her play in their garden.

I can't believe YOU just said that. :o:D

:D Why? I don't mind spiders. Or was it the neighbor thing? :)

Hell, take the spider to the cubicle or office of the co-worker or boss you dislike the most and let it out on the chair back or desk... >:(
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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I had a change of heart. But only because you said please. She is now back outside getting cold again. Normally I let spiders live but not widows or any other poisonous ones.Have had friends bit by widows and its not that bad. But the recluse, hobos and boxers bites start deteriorating the skin and muscle around the bite and it's absolutley horrible and painful. This Black Widow owes you one big time.

YAY! :)
Be yourself!

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i hate to reveal myself as a mass killer of spiders....but here in the desert if you dont do something called "spider patrol" which involves a flashlight, lighter and a can of WD40....you will be over run by black widows....i get about ten females a month around the house.

Where is Darwin when you need him?

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Wolf spiders are big and scary looking, but they are harmless to humans and they eat lots of other pest bugs.
I usually catch them in a cup and put them back outside.
Its getting colder at night now and they start looking for warm places to over-winter. Also, its their breeding season right now and a lot of them you see are males on a mission ... they've only got one thing on their minds, and biting you ain't it.
Zing Lurks

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