
George ROCKS

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Politics aside -- I have great respect and admiration for ANY 83 year old who skydives -- tandem or otherwise!

Gotta respect the passion to keep doing it. Way to go!

"The helicopter approaches closer than any other to fulfillment
of mankind's ancient dreams of a magic carpet" - Igor Sikorsky

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george who???

G Herbert Walker Bush ?

Oil man..
former CIA director,, ( back it the day when WE were GOOD and EVERYBODY else was BAD.....)
( and back in the day when COVERT was COMMON , even encouraged...... )
Behind the scenes Guy in the Reagan admin...
During the days when WE were arming many of the Bad guys...
Had his eyes set on the Oil rich parts of this planet decades ago....
allowed,,, and maybe even encouraged, Saddam Hussien to push into Kuwait,,,, and then Unleashed.. DESERT STORM.... on him....
BUT Failed to rid the world of the man....

Enabled his least capable son, for George W's whole life.... and in return the son and ex GHW Bush Pal ,, dick (and that's not just a name it's a personality description ) Cheney ... just couldn't wait to run into Iraq and "kick some Ass".... as vengeance for past accomplishments which the Old man, had left undone.. and to settle some score, and to improve the appearance of a recalcitrant Son in the eyes of his father... ) A noble thing i suppose,, but not when it requires the lives of thousands and thousands of "regular" people i.e. soldiers AND foreign civilians..be snuffed out!! That my friends is the behavior of a tyrant...

hmmm so he skydived... big deal....
fact is .... if the cheapo, with which he bailed out of his disintegrating aircraft, had NOT been so reliable..... ( damn ) he would have been merely another grim statistic of war.... and there would NEVER have been MUCH of the chaos in this world today,,, and for sure there would never have been good ole boy G W .....

sorry for the hijack.....
I do have respect for any octagenarion who would head to a DZ to make a skydive,, and PAY for it himself or herself...B|;):)
G H W Bush..however simply 'scheduled' his , and pushed for the secret service to go along with the idea... Then he had nothing but the BEST, in terms of instructors, equipment, aircraft, media coverage, etc...:|:|
HOW many dollars did THAT stunt cost ???
and Did he PAY his OWN lift ticket , or did the american taxpayers...???

sorry for the rant.... But I sometimes wish that navy Cheapo, hadn't opened... the history of the ENTIRE world would have been different.....
and this man would have been , simply another WAR loss....... like so many Really Good Men before him and TOO many good men and women After him.......>:([:/]

ok flame away...

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Wow! As rants go, that's a pretty damned good one. You made some good points there. I can't say I totally disagree, though I kinda' liked ol' "Senior"....'til the decision NOT to take Baghdad. I often wondered how he was able to father children, since he didn't grow any balls until AFTER his presidency.

I doubt jumping with the Golden Knights is cheap and you're probably right, it was on our tab. I respect him for doing the jumps, at his age but really, after all the tandems.....wouldn't you think he'd be about ready for AFF?! :|

"T'was ever thus."

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I respect him for doing the jumps, at his age but really, after all the tandems.....wouldn't you think he'd be about ready for AFF?! :|

now that would make it respectful, wether you paid for it or not.. :P
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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hahahaha well i checked back here,,, just to make sure we WERE Talking about BUSH the First...
and upon re reading the original post now see that I forgot the part about " Politics Aside !!!":o

soooo very sorry for that...:(:S[:/]:o

Sure as to ANYone willing to do what it takes to make an AFF skydive, OR a Static Line jump, OR maybe even a tandem....

Well Done!!! and I welcome you to the Brotherhood/Sisterhood

Face it, there must be thousands of people near and far, who are at points in their lives , where they need to convince themselves of their capabilities,:| face up to a fear, [:/]try 'something risky", ;):)B|

Bravo!!! to all of them...:|

and in reflection,, Kudos to the Mr. President...mostly because he made MORE than one skydive.. some AFF, and well touted,, and others tandem,, and rather 'low budget'..
( thanks to airtwardo for the heads -up on that...via PM )

So for coming back, he has my admiration as a fellow jumper...

glad you liked the rant.....B|
don't tell the C I A ....;)

gemini jmy

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He already did 2 AFF's One where he whacked his head on the Sky-Van. A sticker on the plane now shows where. The second he failed because he didnt pull. He did tandems into demos because of the winds. At least he is trying hooray for him.
I wonder if the families of his crew that didnt get out of the Avenger feel about his skydiving career?
I am still proud of him

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Laura ain't much to look at but that Barbara....she's sooooo hot!

Here's a little known fact...

Barbara Bush went to school with William H. Ottley and they remained close friends until his death.

BIll use to tell me about the numerous visits to the White House he'd made and what a caring and intelligent woman Mrs. Bush is. B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Not one of the “points” in this rant was accurate and it was very hateful. It never ceases to amaze me how the very people who claim to be so tolerant are in reality the most intolerant, hate filled, closed minded people.

By the way, I did not vote for senior but that does not mean I will demean his very brave military service to our country and even worse, wish him harm.

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Politics aside -- I have great respect and admiration for ANY 83 year old who skydives -- tandem or otherwise!

We have an 88 year old man who did his first tandem two weeks ago, second tandem this week, FJC today, who wants to have AFF completed by end of year. Gene is a huge inspiration to me. Politics aside, congrats to George Sr, too.

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Wow! An 88 year old! That gives me reason to believe I haven't entirely lost my mind in starting out at a mere 57. Also, I do have to admire Bush for jumping, although I have a problem with his politics. I did think about him having done it before my first jump. If he could I could.
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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didn't mean to be hateful...
my post was the result of observations,,,
tinged with frustration,,,,
The world is a mess.....
oil dominates so many things.... the past 30 years or so, have been tough,,, and sadly have been MISERABLE for most people who live in impovershied countries all around this planet...

I have thought for some time,,, about the "change in history" which WOULD have occurred,,, had Sr. not been saved at the time of his bail out...back in "the war to end all wars"
this post offered me the chance to pose that

I should not have implied that i would FAVOR such an outcome..... for ANy loss of life is unacceptable.. and in the course of war, it is wasteful...
Co operative behavior on Everyone's part could have resulted in a far far better world than the one which we face today......
This family was and is in a crucial position to influence the
tempo of the entire world, for better or worse...
some say they succeeded, other disagree...

I AM a tolerant man, and wish no harm on others.
please correct the points which i made and which you have deemed inaccurate
j t

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fwiw this may belong in SC

the past 30 years or so, have been tough,,, and sadly have been MISERABLE for most people who live in impovershied countries all around this planet...

So previous to 30 years ago those same people lived rich wealthy lives?? I don't get it..? When in history have the impoverished societies flourished?

I'll make it simple. Globaly, when have human rights, trade, and development been better than now? Give me a date and a place..


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So previous to 30 years ago those same people lived rich wealthy lives?? I don't get it..? When in history have the impoverished societies flourished?

:| Never said they were living good lives, many cultures have always lived poverty level lives...but had done it happily ,,, sometimes, not knowing anything else...... it's called subsistance living and it continues even til today, in many parts of the world.....and that's what bugs me..
In the 21st century.. aren't we learning anything?? heck we can't even rid ourselves of poverty and misery in some of the wealthiest and prosperous cities on the planet...
The leaders of the so called world powers should be more Progressive, and Co Operative, toward relieving such misery....but it continues..due to population increases in places where food and even water are scarce. Not an easy thing to fix..


I'll make it simple. Globaly, when have human rights, trade, and development been better than now? Give me a date and a place..

Well in many past cultures each of those values has been better...From the time of Jesus Christ, and carrying well into the first millenium, The North and South American Natives,,,, were doing just fine thank you... They had agriculture, abundant game, domestication of livestock, established cities.... some degree of social harmony.. and as long as territories didn't overlap,,,peace...
This continued up until the year 1,500AD or so when Eurpoeans began arriving in boats..B|>:( then it all started to go bad....
Eygpt and many areas around the Med. Sea, were well advanced and those people traveled extensively for trade... circa 800 AD to 1500 AD...

The cultures of Greece and Rome, had Human rights, trade and development, to a great degree as did many African, Asian, and Australian
societies... so there are a couple of dates and places.

of course it depends on our definiton of "Better".. I will grant you that world wide trade is vastly different because of high speed fiber optic transfer of information...and trade goes on at an amazing pace... not sure if anonymous internet trade is as effective and meaningful as the old time approach of face to face,, product for payment,, personal way that it's been done on this Planet for over a million years....

Human rights have a long way to go...
and work best in times of peace... man however
is too fast to war.. not just here,, but all over the world..

we're entering the next millenium... World leaders, the esteemed MR Bush 1 and the esteemed Mr Bush 2 included, have had other priorities,, these past 30 years or so......world wide,, many others leaders included...I don't understand the emergence and proliferation of Religious Fanatics
but the world sure is having a hard time containing them ...and somewhere in my mind...justified or not,,,,i'm mad at GHWB and his son.....

I thought the space race would kick this planet into a new way of thinking....an approach... " Hey we may not be alone here,, and so let's begin thinking like allies and quardians of this planet and it's resources, and work to share resources instead of hoard them..
sadly that's very slow to happen...

my graditude to the mods,,, since yes this may be the stuff of S C... ....

Just saw in the newspaper the Positive story about The 6th Parachute Descent by GHWB...
good press...



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heck we can't even rid ourselves of poverty and misery in some of the wealthiest and prosperous cities on the planet

So if you and I were hunter/gatherers 1000 years ago, would you care if my tribe across the river had weak hunting skills? Or maybe just bad hunting grounds? Would you bring over some of your children's food for my children?

the mods must be asleep or something :)


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if we had established a trading arrangement,
if we shared common friends among Other nearby tribes,.. ( while based in a village, albeit a sometimes, mobile village,,,these people traveled out, to encounter others),,, if there was game and resources aplenty sure I 'd share... wouldn't you???
.. If nothing else to establish some Positive credit,,, with those whom you've helped....

a sort of Pay NOW,,, but reap the reward later,,, ( maybe when your own people are starving..) if game and resources are Not plentiful,,, people move on...

Prior to today... ( i e 1000 years ago.) urban sprawl had not challenged mother nature.....at least not on the American Continents... Europe and Asia are another story...
i think there was plenty of clean water,,, fish...fowls, mammals to hunt, nutritious grasses grains, and vegetables,,,
so sure i'd share...
I might share food,, or else the knowledge and weaponry need to catch the food,,, or share " know how",,,,regarding crops, and agriculture,,, so my neighbors could care for themselves and not NEED our help

but this could all be an idealistic way of looking at the subject,,, and sadly mankind seems more prone to battling squabbling, and outright warring...

how nice that we can exchange different points of view,, in a civil way. thanks. for the back and forth..

jimmy out................

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