
November 16th Friday FITNESS Fanatics...Report!

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Heidi-hi, children! B|

I was back down to my lowest weight in 6 months this morning (yea!) even after taking a break from working out for the cold.

I only got 2 1/2 hours of sleep last night dang it. I still rolled out of bed early and did 30 minutes variable instensity on the treadmill. -I figured might as well, as SOME little boys would not allow mama to get any sleep this morning, either...:S

I'm really battling increased appetite again for some reason. Very odd, it just kinda came out of the blue. My sons have ridiculous appetites, but they're growing so they have reason. :P On another note, little Derick has thinned out quite a bit in just a few weeks! His face and belly aren't quite as round, and everyone at school is noticing. In case you missed that part, Derick was suffering from some side effects of a med he was on and just shot up in weight in the past 3 months, so thinning out a little was recommended by his doc, so this is a good thing. B|

I'll work out again later today, but I need to go take a nap before this catches up to me and I crash. :|

How are all y'all doing? :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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And since MrFreeFall logged in early this morning and updated the old thread, I'll copy it here:


Pushups are pushups.

Did my swim yesterday as I posted in the other thread, and did 500 situps in sets of 50 this morning, and 300 side crunches per side in sets of 30. I'll be doing more later when I get back from my doctor's appointment, I sure won't be going back to work.

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I've come to the conclusion I am part bear. I'm eating more because my bear DNA thinks I need to bulk up for winter hibernation. :P Feel free to use this excuse.

I also got up extremely early this morning so I hit the gym for 35 minutes on the elliptical. No weights or anything, but I feel pretty good.

My regular workouts are helping to offset my increased appetite but still, instead of losing, I'm up about 3 pounds since the beginning of October. I'm OK with that long term- I just need to work on supressing my "inner bear" and cut back on the junk food! I stocked up yesterday on healthier snacks to keep at the office. Stuff like cereal and instant oatmeal so I can have breakfast and/or something before my evening workouts, plus high protein whole grain granola bars, etc. My young trainer suggested smaller meals more often- he really didn't buy into the bear thing .......:$

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:D:D:D:D re: bear.

That's hilarious. :ph34r: Maybe I can get someone around here to believe the bear thing! :o It never works when I tell them that my body has me saving up every bit of energy for the next great famine so I can help repopulate the earth with my amazing genes...:P
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I also embarrassed my trainer earlier this week. He's a young guy, really sweet, and always professional. The other night, we (I) were doing one legged presses and WOW, did I feel it in my gluts! It was tough! As we were walking towards the next machine, I said to him "I guess I'll thank you for this when people start checking out my ass!" Poor kid, he's still not 100% sure how to take me but he took it very well. He hesitated for a second but kept a straight face told me he would look forward to that day. :D

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Much appreciated. No new updates on the fitness side, but I did get my EKG, BP and pulse checked by my local doc, and he said so far everything looks fine other than everything was just a touch elevated, probably just from running around all morning. Another few checks of my BP and pulse will tell the tale, I'll get my sign-off next week from the doc once he sees the next few checks this weekend by my mom's equipment, and I'm one step closer to getting shipped out to Cape May.
"If at first you don't succeed... well, so much for skydiving." - aviation cliche

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I dragged my ass out of bed and went to the gym this morning! And made plans to go for a walk with my (very very very very very) pregnant friend tomorrow morning ... if she doesn't drop the kid overnight. If she does I'll go walking on my own anyway (but it sure does help to have committed to someone else!).
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I dragged my ass out of bed and went to the gym this morning! And made plans to go for a walk with my (very very very very very) pregnant friend tomorrow morning ... if she doesn't drop the kid overnight. If she does I'll go walking on my own anyway (but it sure does help to have committed to someone else!).

Awright! :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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"We" do lunges across the gym too, and squats, etc........ All sorts of fun stuff!

This past year, when the weight started coming off, seems like most of it came off my ass and hips. Blame or thank the elliptical for that, but for a while, from my hips down, I looked like a boy! Now that I'm actually training and building muscle, I'm getting a bit of a booty again. The SO even noticed and said something. Go figure ...........

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About the increased appetite - I usually eat a lot more when I'm ...

a) eating too much sugar. My trainer wants me to keep it under 50 grams a day - harder than it sounds...

b) not sleeeping enough - It's like I trade in sleep for food to get more energy.

c) I've recently changed my cardio and my body is working much much harder than it previously was.

d) I'm not drinking enough water.

Just thought I'd throw that in there before i pack it up to go to the gym

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Had to work today so went to the gym after working.....45 minutes of cardio on the treadmill and then did lower body lifting. Brought up the weight on the lower body weights by 10 lbs today since I had done the upper body yesterday. Needless to say I am a little sore, no, I am a lot sore......but figure it will all be worth it.;)

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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A-ha...good info, Sarah. Thanks. I can see my flaws in the sleep (I still can't sleep...hence posting on dz.com :S). I don't typically have a bunch of sugar...but I'll start logging everything again like I used to when I was being a good girl. :ph34r:

I kind of relapsed sort of horribly this evening though with the worst 'binge' I've had in 5 months. Tons of teriyaki and sweets...so much that I felt sick (didn't purge, so no need to worry at all about that nonsense...)

It seems every time I hit this 'number' on the scale I go and do something STUPID to sabotage it. >:( It's ok, I slipped up for a few hours, and it will not become a few days. B|

Tomorrow's workout will be very tough...it needs to be. I haven't had a solid strength workout in about a week...only cardio coming off the sickies.

Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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Had to work today so went to the gym after working.....45 minutes of cardio on the treadmill and then did lower body lifting. Brought up the weight on the lower body weights by 10 lbs today since I had done the upper body yesterday. Needless to say I am a little sore, no, I am a lot sore......but figure it will all be worth it.;)

Just remember! :):ph34r:

Stretching, or lack thereof, has either saved me or done me in the day after increasing weights...
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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I dragged my ass out of bed and went to the gym this morning! And made plans to go for a walk with my (very very very very very) pregnant friend tomorrow morning ... if she doesn't drop the kid overnight. If she does I'll go walking on my own anyway (but it sure does help to have committed to someone else!).

Got up again this morning for the gym ... and have yoga tonight. And the very very very very very pregnant friend is pregnant no more ... mom, dad, and baby girl are doing very well. :)
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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OK, small updates this morning. Swam 1500m of endurance laps yesterday, and did 300 situps, 300 flutterkicks, and 300 side crunches this morning.

Yesterday did 45 mins of cardio and lower body....then got a massage - oh that rocked....will go to the gym after work....we will see how it goes - will at least do cardio later and if time permits will do upper body.;)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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Good for you, how are your shoulders feeling?

No working out until Thurday at the earliest for me. Stupid ol' bronchitis. :S>:(

Sorry to hear you've got bronchitis.

Shoulders are still hurting. I can still move them just fine, but at certain and very specific points in my range of motion, they hurt in specific spots. More my left, but that's what makes it weird. My right should be hurting first, that's the one which suffered a collar bone break over a decade ago. Anyway, if I can still move it, it's still an asset, so I'm still not worried for the moment. If it starts to hurt more frequently or in more spots, then I'll start considering having it checked out.
"If at first you don't succeed... well, so much for skydiving." - aviation cliche

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I dragged my ass out of bed and went to the gym this morning! And made plans to go for a walk with my (very very very very very) pregnant friend tomorrow morning ... if she doesn't drop the kid overnight. If she does I'll go walking on my own anyway (but it sure does help to have committed to someone else!).

Got up again this morning for the gym ... and have yoga tonight. And the very very very very very pregnant friend is pregnant no more ... mom, dad, and baby girl are doing very well. :)

Yea to everything! :)
Do not believe that possibly you can escape the reward of your action.

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