
Another chance for you to to do my homework! (fun this time)

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So I have a week to assemble a website, and I have chosen the subject of fan obsession. I was thinking about anime websites and how little I care about them and how some people govern their lives through anime, so the idea arose to build a website obsessed over something nobody cares about.

So I have chosen staplers. Something that is probably sitting on almost everybody's desk who reads this, but nobody cares about.

One section of the website is going to be fan art... art people send in about staplers.

Another part is tips/tricks... you know, tips to lube up the spring for cleaner stapling action? Maybe a secret for stapling large stacks of paper? Stupid crap like that.

Then give me some testimonials... write a short story about the time you needed a fix so you stole a box of staples from the supply cabinet at your work. ONe time you ripped your pants so you stapled them together in school/work. A night when your stapler failed you and you were forced to turn in your final paper with the corner folded over....

And lastly, a dedication section. Write about your favorite stapler that you lost, or was burned in a house fire, or was stolen by the filthy pirate bastard 2 cubicles away. "What ever happened to ___ type of staplers? They were far superior to the staplers they make today...." You get the idea....

I have already included plenty of info regarding Milton from office space, believe me.

So my challenge unto you all is if you are bored, drunk, etc., create one or more of these pieces! Draw a funny picture of you stapling your best friend to the wall. Anything and everything will be appreciated. Stories don't have to (but can be!) long.

I have a week to make it look like an online community that has been established for a long time!

Please PM me any stories you come up with, or if you have a picture PM me and I will tell you my email address).

Thanks to everybody in advance! (now open microsoft paint and draw something while you're at work and doing things you hate anyway!)
It's all fun and until someone loses an eye... then it's just a game to find the eye

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I love my Swingline. It never jams. I did, however, have the option of purchasing extended warranty coverage (true story) when I made my $13.00 purchase, and I turned it down. (Office Max will sell you anything.) My Swingline has not failed me yet and I have no regrets about not popping for the extended coverage.

If you search my posts, SOMEWHERE out there I posted a pet peeve about people not properly aligning the stack of paper before stapling it. I still feel adamantly about the need for precision in this area.
TPM Sister #102

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if you do a search, you will likely find entire threads about staplers here. you may not even have to make anything up. you just might want to ask hh how to use stuff from here on your website before hand though. if you can create a real forum on your website, you can invite some post whores from here to post whore over there a little.

"Your scrotum is quite nice" - Skymama

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So I have a week to assemble a website, and I have chosen the subject of fan obsession. I was thinking about anime websites and how little I care about them and how some people govern their lives through anime, so the idea arose to build a website obsessed over something nobody cares about.

This is my favorite sort of stapler:


It lets you make a real punk-rock fashion statement that even shows up on X-rays!

The piercings are temporary and only scar a little.

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I love my Staples One-Touch Executive Stapler and bought several for me and my classroom. I get annoyed when my students drop it and recently took it away from them and gave them an old stapler to break. I have also had to show them how to staple papers together at a perfect 45 degree angle with all the papers lined up.

I also have an antique stapler. It is from Ace Fastener Corp and is the Pilot version. Not sure if it works, but it is damn pretty! I could email a picture, if you need it!

And.... neurotic moment.... DONE!

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I have also had to show them how to staple papers together at a perfect 45 degree angle with all the papers lined up.

THANK YOU for this tremendous public service! You need to come and give an instructional course around my office. :)
TPM Sister #102

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Does your office know that the holes on the sides of hole-punched paper should be on the left and that when you staple paper together you MUST, I repeat, MUST make it so the bar part is on top and the 'teeth' grab around the back?! I make my students remove the staple (with an appropriate staple remover, of course) and restaple if the teeth are on the front.

Now booking for my Art and Science of Fastening 101 class.

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