
How long since your last jump.....

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A week and a couple days... ...we had unbelievable weather up here (cold as hell, but sunny and clear, light winds), but I HAD A FUCKING COLD!!!! So I got to sit and watch all day. At least being at the DZ watching students land is entertaining... ...especially the one that took a swim in the lake, and watching THREE people land out in the span of about 2 hours!

Brand new rig is here Thursday... ...glad it wasn't here earlier, I might have been tempted to do something stupid and jump with stuffed sinuses:o. Already buying beer... ...soon as there's another good day, it'll be 1) First jump on new main, 2) First jump on new container, 3) First jump with new jumpsuit, and 4) First jump with new Optima. HOORAY BEEEEEERRR!

"We'll start the ass kissing with you"

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Wow.........some of you guys are really uncurrent. I really don't know how you do it. I feel uncurrent after only a few days, and if I go a week or two I actually get nervous. It makes me realize how good I have it.:)


I need to get back to Z-Hills again
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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Yeah. The forecast says it's supposed to warm up to a high of 36 degrees Farenheit. It was 19 here last night. I already have Under Armor, but I going to buy another pair of gloves. One of the TI's had me use his last weekend and I want my own.
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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36? That's 2 degrees in proper Christian units... positively balmy:)

36F/2C is a friggin' heat wave in winter! I'd be getting out the summer gloves and shedding the long underware if it were 36F/2C!

[stomping up and down] I want it to be 36 here!!!! I want it to be 36 here!!!!! [/stomping up and down]

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4 months now. :|

I broke my femur in June and I've jumped one time since then, that was in August. I need to go to the DZ and rent a bigger canopy to make a jump. My leg just isn't quite as strong as it should be (the muscle that is, the bone has healed).


Go Fast, Dock Soft.

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