
Newer Sabre (1)'s

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Hi Guys,

I've question about the "old" PD Sabre:
I want to purchase a newer Sabre 1 (DOM 1998).
I often read horrible things about Sabre openings, so I'm wondering if PD modified the construction to solve these problems, especially on the later models.
Is it a risk to buy this chute or not?

Don't be a Lutz!

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The Sabre opening thing has been blown out of porportion IMHO. They were the most popular canopy out for many years and no one ever complained about the openings until newer ZP canopies came out and openings were slower. IMO the Sabre does open quicker than most newer canopies but is not unreasonable. Pack it well and it will open fine. People say they will slam you every now and then but I have been slammed 10X more on my Velocity than I ever was on a Sabre and I have many more jumps on a Sabre. I'm sure opinions will vary in this thread but, I think it's a great canopy.

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I'm just a weekend jumper & not a hot canopy pilot by any stretch, but here's 1 guy's opinion. Personally, I wouldn't pay more than about $350 for one. When I got back into the sport after a long hiatus, I jumped a Sabre1 for about 150 jumps. But then again, the price couldn't be beat (a friend of mine who owned a couple rigs had a Sabre1 in an older rig, and he was taking a break from the sport anyway, so he simply loaned it to me for free. Can't beat free.) I was quite happy with it, for that stage of my jumping career. It's a fine-performing intermediate/weekend-jumper canopy - once it's open - and back when they were popular, people swore by them. It was a good, reliable canopy for the technology of the day. But the openings can be squirrely. I did get several slammers & off-heading openings, no matter how I packed, etc. The technology's been superseded, as it's fully square and not semi-elliptical. If you can get it very cheaply, then why not? But if priced anywhere more than real cheap, and if cheap is necessary for you, I think you're better off shopping around for a well-used newer-generation intermediate canopy like Pilot, Spectre, Safire or Sabre2.
Just IMO; others may disagree; YMMV, etc., etc.

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See how many old Sabre jumpers have chronic neck pain now. But that can probably be avoided with 1) attention to packing, 2) a bigger/pocketed slider, 3) keeping it in trim.

But why jump a Sabre when there are so many better canopies out there that won't cause you problems because of hard openings?

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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yea I've been using two of them one is a 1993 and one is a 1998 and both have been my camera canopies, I have not weighed my camera helmet, but at a guess I would say 12 or more pounds.

I have no neck problems,none, nada,zip in 12 years of using saber 1's with camera helmets all most every jump.

In fact I keep the 93 because of the consistant on heading soft openings it gives me, the canopy has around 3800 jumps on it and is on it's 4 line set.

My 98 is just as good of a canopy, if I get any funky openings it is because of sloppy packing and still slick z-po, where as the 93 packs like F-111 and it don't care if it's packed sloppy or not.

All the saber 1 bashers I think are full of shit for the most part, yes there have been people hurt or killed jumping them just like any other canopy.

I have read the posts about the jumper last season(and others) who broke his neck on opening, and everyone claims it was because he had a saber 1.

Were they in FF watching? How do you know something didn't snag his head and snap his neck?
Because it wasn't still snagged when he got to the ground? That proves nothing!

People need know it can happen to anyone under any canopy at any time! JMHO.

As for the poster, dude jump the thing 5 or 10 or 20 jumps and make up your own mind if it is the canopy for you or not, that is the only way you will know.

Asking people on here, is like asking two used cars sales men, if this is the right car for you.

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I have to add my positive opinion (I have a '95 Sabre 170.) I have put about 265 jumps on it with 530 total and it is in need of a line set. Still, it has never slammed me. I have heard that some canopies have opened hard, but a few "bad apples" shouldn't give them all a bad name. I just ordered a new rig, and plan on keeping my trusty old Sabre for wing suit jumps.
50 donations so far. Give it a try.

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Hi Guys,

I want to purchase a newer Sabre 1 .


I am no expert, or even close. All I know is I own a 1998 Sabre, and it has not ever given me a hard opening. Actually, it opens very softly. Granted I only have about 70 jumps on it so far, but thought you might want to know. I would test it out and see what you think.


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Towards the end of Sabre 1 production, Performance Deigns switched to a larger slider.
The larger slider softens openings a bit, but you still have to pack Sabre 1s neatly.
In other words, Sabre 1s are intolerant of sloppy packing.

While I know that I should never be sloppy with the lines and the slider on any canopy, I have a question about the folds: I heard somebody say that the folds (in a standard pro pack) don't necessarily need to be totally neat and flat; or the fabric slips faster and the openings becomes harder. Just quickly flaked rather than meticulously folded... True or false? - I have wondered?

I'm happy with my Sabre 170. Most openings are pretty comfortable (~600 feet from PC pitch to full canopy). I've noticed slightly more frequent "brisk" openings in colder weather than warm weather, I think because the fabric is stiff/dry/slippery rather than warm/sticky from the humidity.

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