
Rugby vs NFL, which is better

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I love going to NFL games, I have been lucky enough to attend at most stadiums, Greenbay being my favorite. But i also travel internationally often and was married to a South African Afrikaans woman who introduced me to Rugby. I fell in love with the game. I have been to Sprinbok matches as well as matches in France and New Zealand, and Australia.
In my opinion, Rugby wins hands down, no pads, non stop, and very few player changes. I especially like the New Zealand war dance before some matches. Did i mention my home town team is the Lions, since Barry Sanders left, there has been nothing to cheer about.
So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend!

Hellfish #782, POPS #10664

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I like them both.

Anyone who thinks American football is pussified because they wear pads has obviously never played it in full pads before. Until the 50s, there were few helmets with face masks or plastic; just leather. There are hits in football you couldn't give or receive without pads that you can't do in rugby without injuring yourself or the recepient.

Rugby is nonstop action and I love that about it. It's fun and brutal as well in its own way!
I'm back in the USA!!

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I anticipate Bigway finding this thread. These Kiwi's dont think of it as a sport, more a religion :D

I enjoy both sports but rugby is the one for me, its non stop cardio along with big hitting. It has everything.


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I like NFL, at least while there's some action going on. (Which isn't often) The time between plays and breaks for TV commercials is what ruins the game for me, that's why I prefer rugby and soccer. Both are pretty much non-stop and play is fluid like basketball.

For those americans who protest that they find the rules of rugby and soccer incomprehensible, think of how the NFL looks to the rest of the world.

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For those americans who protest that they find the rules of rugby and soccer incomprehensible, think of how the NFL looks to the rest of the world.


Amen Bro!!;)

Real football is played in High Schools and small colleges across the U.S. Go see a Friday night High School game and relearn what football is all about!
I'm back in the USA!!

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I like NFL, at least while there's some action going on. (Which isn't often)

22 guys moving on every play, most of them colliding. That's a stretch to say there's no action. And still for me, watching NFL is at least as much about strategy as it is action.


The time between plays and breaks for TV commercials is what ruins the game for me

I think most would agree with that. I quickly got into the pattern of tivoing it and starting to watch 10am games at 11 or so. Zip right over all the erectile disfunction ads.


For those americans who protest that they find the rules of rugby and soccer incomprehensible, think of how the NFL looks to the rest of the world.

I'll bet. Rule book's hundreds of pages long, dozens of significant rules change year to year. I've been a big fan since I was little, and almost every game there's a ref decision made where I say "huh, i didn't know that". But, I still dig it.
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I love American football. However, I can honestly say I have never watched Rugby. But being that I love most sports. Im sure I would like it. But growing up in the south, I raised that Sunday is football day. From noon on my butt is in front of the TV watching the games!;)

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Now your getting it, Its about the whole experience. Like i said, i love the NFL and those guys are tremendous world class athletes. But Rugby is infectious and they dont get a ton of money to do it. If you ever get a chance to go to a Pro Rugby match do it, what an experience. Packer fans come close
So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend!

Hellfish #782, POPS #10664

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I like NFL, at least while there's some action going on. (Which isn't often)

22 guys moving on every play, most of them colliding. That's a stretch to say there's no action. And still for me, watching NFL is at least as much about strategy as it is action.

There's only 22 guys moving once the ball is snapped. Prior to, and just after, it's a bunch of big guys in pads wandering around on the field

As for rules, soccer has only 17 laws. Most US spectators and players have no clue as to the application of them so, as a ref, I hear lots of really stupid crap from fans and coaches. I feel sorry for the US football refs in that respect. OTOH, they really don't run too much and have instant replay on each play. Soccer refs don't have that luxury as we have to apply the laws on a split second basis during dynamic play. Also, if you really are doing the game well, you'll run about 7-10 miles per game.

I've found the best way to watch US football is a taped game with remote in hand, finger poised on the fast forward button to cut out the commercials and huddle/quality time.;)

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How true, I like going to see our high School team and they are very good. The whole town goes, but not like down south where they live and die for it. As far as college, It is just about the money in college, if you dont think those kids are pros already, you are sadly mistaken, they generate too much money for tv, the school, Nike, Adidas, etc, etc. You can bet on every college game in Vegas, you cant high school. GO BLUE!
So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend!

Hellfish #782, POPS #10664

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I love going to NFL games, I have been lucky enough to attend at most stadiums, Greenbay being my favorite. But i also travel internationally often and was married to a South African Afrikaans woman who introduced me to Rugby. I fell in love with the game. I have been to Sprinbok matches as well as matches in France and New Zealand, and Australia.
In my opinion, Rugby wins hands down, no pads, non stop, and very few player changes. I especially like the New Zealand war dance before some matches. Did i mention my home town team is the Lions, since Barry Sanders left, there has been nothing to cheer about.

I've tried to watch American Football on TV, I've tried to understand it - but at the end of the day I just can't get worked up about a game that consists of 15 seconds of action, followed by 5 minutes of team changes, followed by 15 seconds of action, followed by 5 minutes of studio chat, followed by etc. etc. etc.

There just doesn't seem to be any flow to the game.
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