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Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone else got this in the mail and if so, if they're going for it. I got a credit card application from USPA. It says it has a low 1.9% APR on all balance transfers, ext. ext. but it says that anytime you make a purchase, a small contribution is made to USPA that doesn't cost you anything extra. It sounds like a great idea and I have 1 credit card with a $1000 balance I have maxed out and think it'd be cool to have it transfered to USPA since the APR is lower and I could pay it off faster, ext.....Since this is the only credit card I've ever had (and plan on having, damn these things) I'm kinda new to the game so any advice would be appreciated! I think it'd be REALLY COOL to have my purchases contribute to USPA though, might as well, right? And to think I almost tore it up until I saw it was from USPA. At least, I figure, USPA might be a little more understanding to a skydivers budget than my Capital One card does.
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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Hi Xpert,
BTW... do you know the "phonetic" definition of expert: It's split into syllables with "X" defined as the unknown factor, and "spurt" defined as a drip under pressure!!
ANyway, back to replying to your post. Firstly I'd say yeah, go for the transfer to get the low APR, at least for the intro period but get ready to change as soon as the attractive intro expires. There's a saying that the person who stays with the same credit card company for more than 6 months to a year is a fool. The credit card issuers WANT your business and hence the attractive intro offers. They rely on "customer inertia" for you to stay with them once they get back to charging you their normal rate.
The donation the card issuer makes to the USPA is minimal (unless you're leasing a Gulfstream IV on your VISA).
Finally, the card isn't issued by USPA, it's issued by a bank. The bank will be as sympathetic to a skydivers needs as any other bank & the fact you're using a "USPA Card" won't change that.
Hope this helps,
Mike D10270.

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BTW... do you know the "phonetic" definition of expert: It's split into syllables with "X" defined as the unknown factor, and "spurt" defined as a drip under pressure!!

HE HE HE....so you're saying I'm a PLFunkwown-drip-under-pressure. Ha ha ha....cool.
Yea, I've tried to switch credit cards (b/c it's been 6 months now that I've had it) but w/ my balance, none would take the transfer even though I've always made my payments on time, ext. Not sure why so maybe this one will take me.
Nope, not leasing a Gulfstream IV but at least the card has a cool picture of skydivers on the front (ha ha ha.....I'm really credit card clueless so if the picture's good, I guess it works for me.)
Miked, thanks for the advice. I will apply and see what happens:)MUCH LOVE AND BLUE SKIES!
Carrie http://www.geocities.com/skydivegrl20/

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hey guys. any other opinions on this? i just heard about the credit card from stacy. Ive got my annual membership all filled out, even got the check ready to be mailed in.. now if only i had the money :) But seriously, i would like your input on the card

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usually with a newer card company they'll coax you with low intro rates etc but then they'll sliin the small print.
you gotta look at the apr and if they charge you one friggin penny for annual rates burn the card and send it back. i dont like cards either(only for emengencies and skydiving)
but if they send anything over 11%(which is still high as hell) i trash it.

ever fell like saving all the crap they send you until you got a huge pile of it then slowly start sending it back:)i think i may send the better rated card app to the higher rated company and see if they respond.

have fun, live free SKYDIVE!!

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Yea, I've tried to switch credit cards (b/c it's been 6 months now that I've had it) but w/ my balance, none would take the transfer even though I've always made my payments on time, ext. Not sure why so maybe this one will take me.

Believe me, it's not because of your balance. $1000 is nothing as credit card balances go. I actually know a guy who keeps about a 25k balance on his credit card. Every 6 months, he changes over to another card so that he can keep the interest at 1% or so. Most likely, it's because you don't owe enough money. Wait'll you own a house or two and owe thousands of $$ on your cards and you'll have credit card companies fighting to take your balance. :P

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Grogs is right. $1000 ain't jack. I have almost 4x that much (damn skydiving!) and credit card companies are pounding on my door. I'm not sure why you'd be having problems. Credit card companies are tossing out cards like frisbees.
Speed Racer
"Blue Skies, Red eyes, Sore thighs!"

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Carrie -
Nothing good / bad about a USPA credit card. Unless you charge a lot (travel on business hotel/airfare/car every week) it doesn't really add up to a lot but then again a lot of little donations from each member could add up. The low APR is likely to go up after 6 months or some time frame. Every MC/Visa is the same. Treat yourself to a Diner's Club if you start charging a lot. You can't carry a balance but the rewards program is great. I won't be slimy and post a "referral link" here but if anyone wants to help a skydive get more free stuff so he can spend cash on jumping e-mail me. ;)

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I got one of those applications in the mail and promptly threw it right in the trash, along with the 800 other applications that came in the mail that day. I just now got out of credit card debt and I intend to stay that way...of course it wouldn't matter, because they wouldn't give me one anyway.

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hey speedracer---
". I'm not sure why you'd be having problems. Credit card companies are tossing out cards like frisbees"
lets stop using the "f" word. my collarbone twitches every time a hear/read it:)grounded and traumatized(sp?)

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SO embarrassing reading my old posts. :DB|B|B|

The original credit card was my first of two. I paid it off in full not long after I posted that through a small student loan, then paid off the student loan after college. I've had my AMEX (always paid in full) ever since. :)
(BTW, I've never done the "thread watch" so I'm noticing a lot of times like this when an old thread I posted in was resurrected and I never noticed. Sorry it took a year to get back to you on that, Joe. :$:D)

Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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Yea, I've tried to switch credit cards (b/c it's been 6 months now that I've had it) but w/ my balance, none would take the transfer even though I've always made my payments on time, ext. Not sure why so maybe this one will take me.

EDIT: Haha, I responded to a post that's 7 years old.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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