
How Would You React to This? (Job/Boss Related)

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Wait after reading another post I came up with this idea. Since it is a rock oriented school... show up like a rock star. Get a couple of chicks to come in one under each arm, and stagger in late hung over. then piss on the Dean and flip him off as you leave the school
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Correct but the totally unprofessional response from his manager is way out of order too.

Well, it is out of line, but way out? I think you have to consider the industry segment. It's a school of Rock..

People keep saying that as though is a license to be a fackwad.
it is a SCHOOL OF ROCK MUSIC, not a school of profanity, I'm pretty sure the objectives of the curriculum do not include instrument smashing, insults and bourbon swilling..

there are a lot of people here who do not really think to much before posting.
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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See, they even had a manual for it. :D

I was gonna mention that but someone mentioned it before me. The day that "wall to wall" went away was the day the military went soft IMO. Fucking pussies and PC bullshit are taking over this world I tell you.:D

*** If my profanity offended you, you obviously missed the fucking joke:D***
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It would be best kept in electronic format, rather than printed off, in case you ever need to use it. Legally it is better in an electronic format rather than just a copy printed off.

No employee should be subjected to language like that.

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I teach music at a nationally known rock-oriented school

Sounds like a pretty good school

I'm very good at what I do. I don't mean to brag, I just am.

You sound like a good teacher

Not sure why you read in arrogant. Glad it worked out
Kevin Keenan is my hero, a double FUP, he does so much with so little

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Yes, definitely an unprofessional email, but at the same time you shouldn't be late. We have clocks these days for a reason. I'd casually ask him if the email was directed at you or if it was something he sent to everyone. Make your decision based on that.

BTW, this reminds me of a saying an old football coach of mine had:
"5 minutes early, you're on time. On time, you're late. Late, you're forgotten."

It's really just a matter of respect IMO.
"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." -Albert Einstein

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Yes, definitely an unprofessional email, but at the same time you shouldn't be late. We have clocks these days for a reason. I'd casually ask him if the email was directed at you or if it was something he sent to everyone. Make your decision based on that.

BTW, this reminds me of a saying an old football coach of mine had:
"5 minutes early, you're on time. On time, you're late. Late, you're forgotten."

It's really just a matter of respect IMO.

you haven't read the whole thread have you:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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