
Is rigger checked used equip in your opinion safe....is that an oxymoron...what would be a good beginner system

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Ive only done a 4 aff but know Im gonna get into it and saving right now. Whats a good rig new or used for a newbie.... how did you personall aquire your first set of gear other than ebay?.... theres so many angles to look at this when buying gear for the first time...Should I get the gear from the DZ I go to... I got a question about dolphin eqiptment from your opinion is it reliable or crap due to that low of price ...My questions are everywhere I know thank you for any advice. Do you know anyone that jumps with MC-4 the military type skydiving/ halo systems that uses a ripcord instead of a hackie attached to a pilot chute as the typical why most people seem to use.

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First: complete your profile if you want people to take you seriously.

Secondly, : Dolphins are decent containers, but they do not last as long as more expensive rigs. You would know this if you read threads about Dolphins.

Thirdly: if you had read threads about MC-4, you would know that they are only relevant for people who weigh more than 220 pounds (100 kilograms).

Fourth: if you had read similar questions posed by other new jumpers, you would know that we usually recommend waiting until you have 30 or 50 jumps before buying your own equipment.

All these questions have been answered a dozen times before. You just have to read the forums.

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Even though your profile is blank, we can still tell that you only registered today, and you only have posted twice.;)

I know your new to these forums, so here is what riggerbob means.....there is a "search" you can use on the forum. It would be advisable to go there first and type in key words to see if your question has already been asked...and answered.

Good luck, and welcome to the frey!;)

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I would suggest browsing through the classifieds on this site. Those above are right about searching the forums and not buying yet because what you want/need will change very quickly in the beginning, but it never hurts to get an idea of what tends to be available used and how much people are asking for it. When you start jumping again, if you feel the need to buy something right away start with things like goggles, gloves, altimeter, and helmet.

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Some quick answers:

> how did you personall aquire your first set of gear other than ebay?

Talk to people at your DZ. They will be the best source for local used gear. Buying used gear remotely is difficult.

>I got a question about dolphin eqiptment from your opinion is it reliable
>or crap due to that low of price ...

It's a decent container. I jumped one for 100 jumps or so; I had no problems.

> systems that uses a ripcord instead of a hackie . . .

Throwout systems are the most common systems out there right now. I wouldn't recommend ripcords for most newer jumpers, although they can sometimes solve specific problems (like a newer jumper who wants an AAD on the main for whatever reason.)

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I was saving up for a new Vector3 container to be filled with used canopies, when a complete Vector2 rig close to my specifications popped up at my dropzone that I could get inspected and test-jumped before paying.

Talk to your dropzone people. They'll be the best source of information.

Also, I do strongly recommend getting used to BOC if you plan to stick in skydiving for a while -- you'll eventually want to upgrade your rig, and there's a bigger variety of BOC containers on the market. If you're worried about BOC problems (missing hackey in freefall, etc), remember you've also got silver to pull too. BOC is actually pretty reliable.

(However, some people with disabilities, there are legitimate reasons for other kinds of deployment systems, but think it over carefully and talk it with others carefully...)

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