
Payment Plan for Rig?

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Mirage Systems (a manufacturer of containers) offers a payment plan.

Square One's retail stores offer a demo program which could be used like a payment plan, you just don't get your own rig until you've paid enough.

MasterCard, Visa and Discover also offer payment plans. :D

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"MasterCard, Visa and Discover also offer payment plans. " <<<<<

Just do it. Once you have racked up a bunch of debit your gonna starting getting offers from other to transfer ballance 0% 6 months. Then 6 months later you can transfer an another at 0%. Just keep doing it till its paid off. Thats what I did, I don't think I paid more than $100 in interest for 2 years and I got what I wanted ordered right away, and was jumping it.

If you get stuck, like you get fired from your job, or loss of income, plan on paying the monthly intrest with the minumin payments. The credit card companies hide that from you. The fact that the minumin monthly payment does not pay the full months interest.

SO if you monthly payment is $25, and the interest is $25..send them atleast $50. You have to stay on top of it also.

You can also purchase loss of income insurance through the card companies. IT suspend your payments if your injured, but thet doesn't stop the interest from accumulating.

Good Luck

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I was wondering if there are any dealers that offer a payment plan for a new rig. Makes sense that they would, but also makes sense why they wouldn't. :S Anyone ever hear of someone that was offering this kind of deal?

I cannot afford new so I buy used. there is a ton of good gear for sale...


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Thanks everyone for the information. In reality, I could buy brand new with cash, it's just a big chunk of change to drop at once. I feel like I could buy a decent used car for that amount. But then again, I already have a car that works just fine and should last a while. B|

Thanks again!

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Thanks everyone for the information. In reality, I could buy brand new with cash, it's just a big chunk of change to drop at once. I feel like I could buy a decent used car for that amount. But then again, I already have a car that works just fine and should last a while. B|

Thanks again!

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Ha. My rig was more than my last two cars. Put together.

Both of them were decent, just... not sexy. Certainly not as sexy as a rig of any kind B|
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