Any lawyers on here?

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So here's the deal:

I have a more than a few BASE jumps under my belt (from my younger days) and thanks to a recent challenge have decided to re-engage in the sport. (I've already registered for Bridge Day again, and my wife is PISSED. AKA, VERY MAD.)

So, here's the deal:

I have another jump in the works, very monumental, record-breaking, even, and would like to know how long I have to keep the video under wraps before it can be used against me in a court of law.

Not that I have actually PLANNED anything, just THINKING about it, if you catch my drift....

"Get these balls!"

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If video getting out is an issue the answer is obvious. Unless you are looking to make money off the jump, go do it. If you have to video, jump it, then you can show your mates who you trust (no copies tho) how cool you are.

"This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave

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I just did that, thanks, and found this out:

The state I was daydreaming (not planning, daydreaming) about doing this in has no laws concerning BASE jumping. At ALL!


What I'm daydreaming about is some asshole prosecutor with a bad marriage and a severe drinking problem trying to make an example out of me, like is the usual case when it comes to stifling our personal freedoms.

Now that I have a family and a great career, I'm just worried about THAT guy, if you know what I mean. I have every confidence in my skills and abilities.

It's not like I've never done this (daydreamed) BEFORE.

And after all, I'm not PLANNING anything, just wondering........ and daydreaming...


"Get these balls!"

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"If video getting out is an issue the answer is obvious. Unless you are looking to make money off the jump, go do it. If you have to video, jump it, then you can show your mates who you trust (no copies tho) how cool you are. "

Still not the answers I'm looking for, there are so many really good BASE videos out there that you simply can't make money with them, which isn't my goal, anyway. I'll probably never be as good as some of the guys I've seen, but that's OK.

My point in this endeavor is this:

It's basically just to prove to myself that I'm still as good as I ever was, to show my kids that you really CAN do anything that you set your mind to, and that occasionally you have to break the rules to accomplish great things.

I'm not looking to be a bad-ass, I have nothing to prove to anyone. To myself? Yeah, I have a LOT to prove to me. And that's who's challenge this is.


Why? Not because Joe Dickhead said that I couldn't, not for style and grace, not for challenging the hospital, either, as my man up there said.

Why am I doing this?

So I can say that I did. And this time, I want PROOF. Back in the day? We didn't have the technology that we have today.

Helmet cams?

Please..... if you worked for a studio MAYBE you were that lucky.

I can give you guys 75,000 other reasons, but I really need advice toward the question I posed.
"Get these balls!"

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thats what I was thinking..

is he just trespassing?? is he breaking and entering???

misdemeanor or felony??

I would guess the statute of limitations will not be the same for a misdemeanor as opposed to a felony.

if he breaks in then shoots a guard in the face before he makes the jump, then i would think there is no statute of limitations. they will hunt him till the end of time.
if you want a friend feed any animal
Perry Farrell

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I don't know man crazy shit has a funny way of escalating sometimes.

you set out to have some fun, shit starts snowballing and before you know it you're the fucking taliban :D

Well you do have a beard;) Beards encourage terrorism, somewhere to hide dont cha know!

"This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave

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dude that's my winter coat. I had just gotten on the beach that night picture was taken next morning

I never shave at sea..king neptune don't like that shit!!

Holy fuck, you consistently change your appearance at will, why dont you love America? Its because of fucks like you we all have to be patted down by the TSA. Ban beards now!!! As a Brit I will be petitioning the Queen tomorrow.

You are sooo un-american....;)

"This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave

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So here's the deal:

I have a more than a few BASE jumps under my belt (from my younger days) and thanks to a recent challenge have decided to re-engage in the sport. (I've already registered for Bridge Day again, and my wife is PISSED. AKA, VERY MAD.)

So, here's the deal:

I have another jump in the works, very monumental, record-breaking, even, and would like to know how long I have to keep the video under wraps before it can be used against me in a court of law.

Not that I have actually PLANNED anything, just THINKING about it, if you catch my drift....


Why do you need a lawyer to plead INSANITY? Don't get it, it's self explanatory and evident. Who cares about statutory limits when your psychiatrist can take care of the "legal issues"?
Y yo, pa' vivir con miedo, prefiero morir sonriendo, con el recuerdo vivo".
- Ruben Blades, "Adan Garcia"

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