
So...Why doesnt Plankton just buy a Crabby Patty?

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Or pay somebody to buy one?

Ah...you're kidding right???

No. 1) Mr. Crabs would surely be able to detect money that was coming from Plankton...

No. 2) Sponge Bob himself would even see that the crabby patty was going into the wrong hands and there no way he would allow that to happen...

No. 3) Even Squidward wouldn't let it happen and...the most important reason is...

No. 4) Because it is intriguing TV to watch...That would be like the end of the show dumbass!!!!!


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thank god i'm not the only adult that enjoys watching that show.. :$:):D

guilty here too....:$

I even have Spongebob PJ's and other "Spongy" things...

1 episode Sponge Bob is my limit. Not a big fan of that cartoon....
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A sponge that stays in a place called Bikini Bottom!?

Sounds more like a sanitary towel than a cartoon, truth be told :D

....How did i never make that connection? Bikini Bottom, the bottom of a bikini. Wow, im loosing my edge, been watching that show for years and have never made the connection.
In the Navy, you can't put your hands in your pockets but I was always told not to put my hands in my pockets by people with their hands in their pockets. Kinda funny huh?

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A sponge that stays in a place called Bikini Bottom!?

Sounds more like a sanitary towel than a cartoon, truth be told :D

I love the show. Plankton is a great character. But there is certainly some borderline stuff that 's pretty subtle - much of it revolving around Mermaid Man. Notice that he wears a seashell bra outside of his uniform (which makes sense - it's what makes him Mermaid Man.) He's still cavorting with Barnacle Boy (whose nose is an interestingly shaped hanging proboscis.)

What really did it for me was an episode that briefly showed a supervillain arch enemy - "The Tickler." Here's an image of "The Tickler."


How subtly perverted is that?

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I find it interesting that the guy who does Crab's voice and others (clancy brown) was that huge Kurgan guy on the Highlander.

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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I previously analyzed such a situation in "Finding Nemo." I similarly have seen enough Spongebob to formulate some pseudointellectual analysis of Plankton.

Background - as children, Mr. Krabs and Sheldon J. Plankton were best friends. From the same episode, we learn that Plankton was extensively bullied due to his diminuitive size and Krabs bullied because of his poverty, which united them. While they worked at trying to produce a good product, Plankton left and Krabs got the recipe by accident, overpowering Plankton and keeping it for his own.

Thus, Plankton because jealous of the success. Plankton's Chum Bucket is a vastly inferior product to the Krusty Krab's Krabbie Patty (described by Gene Scallop as delectable, despite the horrible service). Because of his lack of success and jealousy (which is somewhat justified)

So, why doesn't Plankton just buy one? There are several reasons. First, his hatred of Krabs means that he won't give Krabs a penny. Second, it is unknwon whether Plankton or his wife have the capability of reverse engineering the ingredients.

Most importantly, though, Plankton's experience as a child has made him a liberal. Mr. Krab is greedy and lacks a charming personality. But Mr. Krabs also supplies a superior product. And he is making good money off of it. Despite his cheapness, he has managed to hang on to his key employees.

Plankton provides a disgusting product. This obviously to him is not fair. Rather than perfect another product, he feels entitled to take Krabs' recipe. Pay for it? Never. He is entitled to it.

Even as much as he tries to get the secrets from Spongebob, Spongebob is loyal and true. (In fact, Spongebob is a key to the greatness of the Krabby Patty - assuming Plankton obtained the recipe, it is doubtful whether his Krabby Patty will match the quality of KRab's product.)

Because Plankton feels he cannot succeed on his own, he therefore seeks to steal from the successful.

The background information provided doesn't excuse what he does but it just helps us understand him a little better.

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I even have Spongebob PJ's

My SpongeBob PJ pants have about 30 minutes of freefall time. :)


My tongue ring has a few minutes of freefall, the pj's have never left the ground though! I'll have to make sure to get them up there asap!
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