
My new jumpsuit..what ya think?

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That looks like pretty lightweight fabric. My suit has the really heavy stuff, double layered arms and legs, and big grippers, including inseam grips. Why no booties, wouldn't they also help?
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Had my girlfriend's friend in Mexico make me a new jumpsuit. I wanted it superhuge to help my 350lbs otd fallrate. I am totally impressed with her work and only paid $140 (which she thought was too much) when I went to pick it up I tired to explain (my spanish isn't too hot) about the "wings" and how i would add swoopcords...she was like I can do that! I let her pick the design and oly told her the colors I wanted...I think she did pretty damn good.

Theres nekid kids in China and your using all that material :ph34r:

nice looking get up .

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That looks like pretty lightweight fabric. My suit has the really heavy stuff, double layered arms and legs, and big grippers, including inseam grips. Why no booties, wouldn't they also help?

Hi 777

Jumpsuit with Boobie's:o he's a guy:S. Check out Amazon's pic :o Her jumpsuit got some big Booties but she's a gal. See the difference:)

Where was I:S. Me thinks the wings are for fall rate (wing wars) boobies:) are for drive, and turning.

IOW the jumpsuit they used for a pattern probably didn't have booties or boobies:S I'm so confused:S Don't even ask about the inside leg grips[:/]

I'm not going to hold onto his/her chest strap out the door:)....... No Way:P...... Ok just onceB|


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