
Cutaway pillow color

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I ordered it with a red handle. Mr booth's reply summed it up pretty well. I wont be able to hear, smell, taste, or maybe even feel the thing so I may as well be able to see it! I also got the mini risers and an RSL. Thanks for all the advice.
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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I ordered it with a red handle. Mr booth's reply summed it up pretty well. I wont be able to hear, smell, taste, or maybe even feel the thing so I may as well be able to see it! I also got the mini risers and an RSL. Thanks for all the advice.

Good Boy!!

... and thanks much Mr Booth, your post made me laugh my ass off... "hear, smell, taste, etc"... ;)

I'd have said that IMHO, one's cut-away pillow should be brightly colored and contrasting to the rest of your gear / jumpsuit. I figure I'll never order an orange jumpsuit so I've always had bright orange cut-away pillows on my rigs... wouldn't work for Sparky, but I've seen MJO jump, and cut-away, with a rig that has a D-Ring on the right for the cut-away handle and a D-Ring on the left for the reserve.

Anyway, BigSky, you say you ordered mini-risers... did you get ones with the hard cable housings in the channel where you stow the excess cut-away cable so in the event you have a spinner with bad line twist the ends of the cut-away cables don't, potentially, get locked into the twisted up risers making it difficult if not impossible to cut-away??

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"did you get ones with the hard cable housings in the channel where you stow the excess cut-away cable so in the event you have a spinner with bad line twist the ends of the cut-away cables don't, potentially, get locked into the twisted up risers making it difficult if not impossible to cut-away?? "

That is a good question. It is an Infinity. I dont think the student one I have been packing has that, but it has big risers. Ahawwwwww.............to many choices:S
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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A couple of weeks back, I had a cutaway while wearing a baggy red jumpsuit. Luckily, I had no issues, but now that I've become aware of the issue, I see no point in creating a situation where I have to rely on luck for the successful execution of my emergency procedures. My next paycheck, I will be ordering a pillow that's a contrasting color.

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Personally I'd get a bright and visible color that stands out from anything you are wearing(rig included). I myself have a red cutaway handle and silver d-ring for my reserve. But I would also consider neon green, and other "loud" colors. Above all else, ask your S&TA, he'll probably steer you in the right direction. ;)

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I briefly considered getting a yellow cutaway pillow, because I have a few yellow details on the other stuff I'm buying (RW grips, rig trim tape) but nothing sizeable, and it looked cool.

Now I think, having only one red thing on my entire set of kit doesn't look terrible, and has precisely zero ambiguity come freakout time. Look for the red thing, any red thing. Tear it off and pull it, then pull the silver thing.

[edit: That and it'd be pretty damn embarrassing to die with a torn-off fistful of gripper, fantastically unlikely though that would be ;)]
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I found this post after being a good boy and doing a search. It seems an old post but I’ll just add to it rather than starting a new one.
I just wish that I had thought of the issue of suit colour vs cutaway pad colour before I bought a new jumpsuit.
I have 40 jumps and use club rigs.
After my first couple of warp jumps it was clear that my e-bay jumpsuit was not suitable for my weight. (Although it fitted fine it was close fitting and made of fast fall material.)
So I spoke to lots of people at the DZ. The CCI, a couple of TIs my AFF instructors, 2 warp coaches and all of them gave me some great advice about what suit to get, what booties, what material, what fit etc.
Not one of them mentioned the issue of suit colour vs cutaway pad colour.
So my new £210 has a red front, because I thought it looked good when I was choosing the colours.
It was not until my flight-line check that it was pointed out to me to be a problem.
I jump club rigs and all have red pads. I am not going to invest in my own rig for quite a while so changing the cut away pad is not an option. So I’ve now got to sew a big patch on my nice new suit.
During the flight line check I was made to feel pretty stupid and embarrassed. People saying “why did you get a red suit for?”
I am a little bit miffed that not one person mentioned this to me. I would have thought even the suit manufacturer, when he saw that I had chosen a red suit, might have thought to ask the question, given that he knew my experience level.
Or maybe I should have thought of it myself. Other jumpers have said that it is not my fault, how was I to know?
I suppose if new people to the sport were told absolutely everything they would collapse with information overload.
Although I understand the 'need to know/nice to know' style of training I would have thought that as I was asking advice on a new suit this issue would then move into the 'need to know' catagory.
Oh well, I'll go now and try and see if my wife will get her sewing machine out..........
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