
Sprint Phones?

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I had an Instinct. Loved it! But decided to go with the hype about the Palm Pre. It has some great features, but then there are some things that are driving me nuts! :S I have about a week to decide whether I want to keep it, give it back or get something else.

If you have a loaded Sprint phone, I'd love to hear your opinions. Internet, speed, ringtones, call clarity, messaging and ease of use are very important! Thanks! :)

**Note** I don't want to hear how great the I-Phone is. It's not an option for me. [:/]

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
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They have a new BB "Tour" and a Samsung "Intrepid" that I was looking at. There's also a new HD Instinct that has a 5.0 camera and a HTC Hero.

The Instinct and Pre are touch phones, but I don't guess I HAVE to have that feature. The Instinct had some features that I have been spoiled by, like your voice mails loading onto your phone. Then you can pick and choose what you want to listen to in any order you want, instead of having to call voicemail and push button after button to hear your messages. >:(


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
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HTC Touch Pro love everything about it but the phone .
texting is easy ,gps is great camera and e-mail features are good but the phone is a pain to use
also I am glad I opted for the insurance the phone has had to be replace 3 times in the 6 months or so I have had it :S

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My area of expertise :P

For sprint the top 2 choices are Touch Pro 2 and the Hero.

+Slide out landscape keyboard
+480x800 resolution
+Amazing speaker phone
o Loaded with Windows Mobile 6.1 but just released update to 6.5

+Multitouch screen but only 320x480
+Android OS 1.5 (soon to be 1.6)
+Thinner and lighter due to no physical keyboard
+Much cheaper
- No physical keyboard(thats a personal preference)
- Slightly slower CPU than TP2

'Course if your a Crackberry fan the Tour is also a nice phone.

Edit to add:
You asked for visual voicemail and I'm fairly certain both the TP2 and the Hero have this... 5mp camera on the Hero and 3.2 on the TP2.
"Damn you Gravity, you win again"

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the phone has had to be replace 3 times in the 6 months or so I have had it

Ooohh........THAT'S not good! :o

The original Touch Pro has has MANY problems, its a good phone but the return rate is one of the highest ever for sprint. This is not the issue with the TP2

Check with them about changing to the TP2 they have been replacing the TPs for customers that have had lots of problems.
"Damn you Gravity, you win again"

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I'm on the fence about the BB's. I don't know what all the hype is about them. I just want a phone that actually works the way I want it to.

One of my biggest complaints about the Pre is that the text/picturemail notification is one little "ding." That's it!! And there are NO options for upgrading any ringers.

I do expect picture mail to work when I respond to someone else's response to something that I sent them. The Pre wouldn't let me do that. I sent a pic. When the person replied, it came from a weird address and wouldn't let me reply. I know it works well on the Instinct! :$

The camera on the Pre has a flash, but the Instinct didn't have one, so it's not something I have to have.

The touchscreen is nice and a light phone is nice. The actual keyboard is nice in some situations, though.

Unfortunately, I got the Pre from Radio Shack. They have the BB, but do not have the Hero listed. Unless I decide on a BB, I'd have to take the Pre back to Radio Shack and catch all of that grief from them about returning it. Then either go to Best Buy or a Sprint store (where you have to wait for your rebate by mailing it in ).


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
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Within 30 days you should have no questions asked return policy with any sprint retailer.

Go into a sprint store to play with a Hero, most still don't carry the TP2 in stock. Best buy is another good place to play with them because the employees usually have a working model.

As for purchasing, PM is being sent.
"Damn you Gravity, you win again"

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Yeah I just edited to add that...

I have read many people claim that their TP has been upgraded to the TP2 for free.

Sprint has released an internal memo that says to replace the TP pretty much no questions asked and the TP2 is on the list of acceptable replacements.
"Damn you Gravity, you win again"

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I had an Instinct. Loved it! But decided to go with the hype about the Palm Pre. It has some great features, but then there are some things that are driving me nuts! :S I have about a week to decide whether I want to keep it, give it back or get something else.

If you have a loaded Sprint phone, I'd love to hear your opinions. Internet, speed, ringtones, call clarity, messaging and ease of use are very important! Thanks! :)

**Note** I don't want to hear how great the I-Phone is. It's not an option for me. [:/]

last year when I was up for a new phone with sprint I really wanted a blackberry. Everybody at my work uses them and swears by them. The instinct was just coming out, so I did a lot of research on that and sprint told me it was their version of the iPhone basically. That was good news to me because I would love an iPhone (with out the iPhone cost of the plan. what I am getting from sprint for 70 bucks is going to cost well over 100 with iPhone everything plan) I like my instinct, but for me personally I really should have went with something with a QWERTY keyboard and not a virtual keyboard. Fat thumbing this thing makes texting VERY difficult. So, when I go back for my new phone next month I am looking at the palm and the blackberry's for sure.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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No offense to you two that liked the Instinct... but it really was a piece of junk.:$

I compare it to the Razr, marketed as a high end phone that really isnt. Don't get me wrong it has lots of nice features over what most people are used to. But compared to other modern phones it doesn't even compare.:P

And as much as I like to dispel the rumors that the iPhone is Jobs gift to mankind... comparing the instinct to it made me laugh [:/]

Edit to add: Why I dislike the iPhone? It is now on it's 3rd version in 3 years, and is now equal to what it should have been from the start. The first one didn't even have 3g... when the iPhone came out even $50 phones had 3g. And no MMS untill this year? When I bought my first phone in 2004 MMS was pretty standard on free phones.

"Damn you Gravity, you win again"

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Be careful of the Pre. Some folks love it. Some not so (raises hand). It has some GREAT features. It's smaller than the Instinct and has a slide out keyboard. The ability to have multiple windows up is cool too. I love swiping the window I was using off of the screen! :)
But no ability to download ringtones for text/picturemail and the existing tone is one little "ding." Sucks if you're not in the room when it does it. [:/]

My keypad blacks out on me when I call my voicemail. You're supposed to type in your password, right? But how if the keyboard won't stay on long enough to allow you to type 4 little letters and a #? It usually hangs up on me before I can get it done. >:(


Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
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Just got a new phone after 4 years. I love my blackberry (curve)! Granted I've bearly touched the surface of what it can do so far but I love the full keyboard, and having email and internet access as well. I basically got it because it was free with the rebate;) and I wasn't too keen on the touch screens.

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Be careful of the Pre. Some folks love it. Some not so (raises hand). It has some GREAT features. It's smaller than the Instinct and has a slide out keyboard. The ability to have multiple windows up is cool too. I love swiping the window I was using off of the screen! :)
But no ability to download ringtones for text/picturemail and the existing tone is one little "ding." Sucks if you're not in the room when it does it. [:/]

My keypad blacks out on me when I call my voicemail. You're supposed to type in your password, right? But how if the keyboard won't stay on long enough to allow you to type 4 little letters and a #? It usually hangs up on me before I can get it done. >:(

As for ringtones on the Pre... Plug it in to your computer and drop any MP3 file into the Ringtones folder... viola, ringtones for your Pre
"Damn you Gravity, you win again"

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Not ringtones, perse. I've managed to obtain the Tigger ringtone I wanted.

It's the non-ability to change the "ding" that is the notification of the text/picturemail/missed call. I went to a Sprint store with techs. Nothing to upgrade.

Are we called "DAWGs" because we stick our noses up people's butts? (RIP Buzz)
Yep, you're a postwhore-billyvance

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Go here to solve all your Pre problems.
This Homebrew application seems to solve the problem about the notification. It should be available in the official Palm Marketplace soon...

And Simple instructions for installing Homebrew apps...
"Damn you Gravity, you win again"

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So? What's so great about a BB? (scratches head in confusion)

I am not a technical geek. I need user friendly! :$

The only thing my phone does not do is picture mail, however i can take pictures and email to anyone ;)

The phones are reliable, do what they say they will do and really not a "geek" phone as they are a great tool. I don't get on the internet much at night anymore just because I can do what I need to right off my blackberry :)
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No offense to you two that liked the Instinct... but it really was a piece of junk.:$

I compare it to the Razr, marketed as a high end phone that really isnt. Don't get me wrong it has lots of nice features over what most people are used to. But compared to other modern phones it doesn't even compare.:P

And as much as I like to dispel the rumors that the iPhone is Jobs gift to mankind... comparing the instinct to it made me laugh [:/]

Edit to add: Why I dislike the iPhone? It is now on it's 3rd version in 3 years, and is now equal to what it should have been from the start. The first one didn't even have 3g... when the iPhone came out even $50 phones had 3g. And no MMS untill this year? When I bought my first phone in 2004 MMS was pretty standard on free phones.

oh, I def. don't love it. Hence why I am getting rid of it as soon as my year is up and I can get the rebate on a new phone. I just want something with an actual keyboard.
Apologies for the spelling (and grammar).... I got a B.S, not a B.A. :)

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