
Ever notice?

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That news people always find the dumbest fucking person they can find to interview. It's like they have some sort of gps in the van to pinpoint all the dumbasses within a 100 foot radius.

Watching a story about a guy who jumped from a greyhound bus.. some lady at the end says "the next bus I be on, I be checkin everybody to make sure they alright." Yeah... you sure can know a person by looking at them..
Millions of my potential children died on your daughters' face last night.

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Ever notice that everytime news people talk about a topic you know very well, 90% of what they say is wrong or approximative?
So next time they talk about something you don't know, just remember that there are people who do know and who notice that 90% of what they are saying is wrong or approximative.

Moral of the story? Don't expect to learn anything from news people!
"One day, your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure it's worth watching."

Dudeist Skydiver #101

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:( Yep, sure have. That's why I stopped watching that monumental waste of me time called local & national "news."

Locally produced news programming started down the slippery slope of "appealing to the lowest common denominator" when television ratings expanded to include news programming. Prior to that news & entertainment ratings were separated. Once they were combined, the specialized "talents" developed & used to create higher ratings in the entertainment division were slowly instituted into the news divisions.

About this same time "reporters" became "journalists" & this seemed to further inflate their egos to the point where they couldn't remain unbiased while doing their jobs.

The result: Today's locally produced news programming.

It starts with 10-13 minutes of uninterrupted reporting of the "top stories" (which are more likely to be about some entertainment personality or only of local interest), 2.5 minutes of commercials, followed by (the only thing people REALLY want to know about) the weather (even if the weather was "the big story"), followed by more commercials & self-promotion, followed by a feel-good "fluff story" (can't have all that negative news because people will get depressed & tune to another station), followed by more commercials & self-promotion, followed by another 30-second fluff-story to fill some time, then a 10-second recap of the weather followed by more commercials (which by the way are usually car companies advertising another "SALE", or furniture retailers advertising their latest sale, or any one of a half-dozen different drug manufacturers muttering about side-effects & "ask your doctor if ZYX is right for you!").

In the end, during a "30-minute news broadcast" one can expect about 5-6 minutes of "news" & 2-minutes of weather between the commercials, the fluff stories, & the self promotion.

Of course, I could just be old & cranky... :|
When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

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I stopped watching the news 2yrs. ago, I'd find the news to be depressing and nothing positive.

I'll check out the weather channel from time-to-time.
"Love is doing small things with great love."

Lacrosse: Legally beating men with sticks since 1492

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LOL, problem is Bubba/and Bubbets see's a camera crew., and they gather around like flies ,.. Smart people, don't want to end up in a court case stemming from the event, and get the hell out of camera rang!

I was going to comment on the same thing. Does the reporter seek out the stupid people, or are the stupid people just all that is left!
Killing threads since 2004.

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I get my news online or in the paper. :P

Same here, newspapers for me. I have my Sunday papers...weekly overview of the local news/sports with my cup of coffee, oh and a "DO NOT DISTURB" sign.
"Love is doing small things with great love."

Lacrosse: Legally beating men with sticks since 1492

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