
Holy Shiznit, Do We Really Need THIS Much Awareness??

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I totally get those things that are common and deadly or devastating...breast cancer awareness makes sense. Autism awareness makes sense (check it out; we are now at 1 of every 58 boys will develop autism :()...

-but what I don't get is the more obscure and rare diseases. I was on a message board regarding some health issues, and everywhere there are products to buy for 'Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome -Vascular' awareness. It's not common; some estimates place it at 1:250,000. It's deadly, but there isn't anything you can do about it...:S

There are HUNDREDS of diseases out there. Do we really have to be 'aware' of all of them? How much information are we supposed to hold in our lil' heads anyway? I would hope that medical professionals would pick up a few...though I am the LAST person that would ever condone relying solely upon a doctor.

When does it cross the line from 'awareness' to 'paranoia and hypochondria'?

Anyone else thinking WTF every time they see a new bumper sticker or T-shirt that reads 'Dwarf Scandinavian Hypertension DeLowe's Syndrome Awareness'?? :|
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When does it cross the line from 'awareness' to 'paranoia and hypochondria'?

My Mother is the worst when it comes to mass media hysteria... I've learned to never discuss anything wrong with me b/c I'm sure to have this disease, or that disease, and I HAVE to promise to see a Dr. immediately. :S

Oh, and don't get me started with the stupid freakin swine flu - PEOPLE if I sneeze it's allergies - not the fucking swine flu!!!! :ph34r:


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My guess would be it depends whether or not you have been touched by a disease in one way or another. I'm sure there are people out there that would say "Fuck Autism,I don't know anyone who has it".

Yeah I guess so. I didn't know jack about it until my boys were diagnosed.

I figure if it's for safety, like knowing the signs of heart attack or stroke, well that makes sense. There is a higher possibility that we would have an encounter with someone having a heart attack or a stroke. -My hubby and I each have, and knowing the signs was a good thing.

I don't see the point in buying T-shirts and freaking key chains and tattoos to help raise awareness for something that 99.99% of the population will never see anyway. :S They'd have a higher chance of hitting the state lottery than ever having or meeting someone with this exact, precise, specific gentic mutation. :ph34r: I think everybody has some kind of genetic f*ck-up running around in their ol' DNA somewhere anyway. :D

Seems that way on any chat group for some rare, unheard of illness. Have to 'raise awareness' for Dysmorphic Eyelash Disorder. Sheesh. :S
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Oh, and don't get me started with the stupid freakin swine flu - PEOPLE if I sneeze it's allergies - not the fucking swine flu!!!! :ph34r:



That's funny! We had entire schools closed down up here because there was 1 confirmed case of swine flu...ok, give the kid a week off, and keep school in session.

I guess the hardest hit have been the colleges -makes sense. There's more close contact going on in college. :):D
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'Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome'

I've actually known 2 ladies with this disease. One lost her life to it (a skydiver) and one has to guard her joints because they pop out of joint if she's not extremely careful.

Orphan diseases are just that . . . people don't believe they need attention because only a few members of the population have it. That's sad.

Just because only a few are afflicted doesn't mean the medical field doesn't need to pay attention and try and find a cure. SMA comes to mind (Spinal Muscular Atrophy). Nobody wants to lose a child to the inability to breathe. Losing a loved one, from something that could be cured if research is done, is downright cruel.


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