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Hey there,

does anyone have any experience of the digitude? Pros and cons?

Am thinking of switching but I'd like to hear what people who have used them thinks. I've heard that you can use the neptune for that too,but I dont really fancy buying one as I already have a pro-track.

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I don't like having to read the numbers to see how high I'm not.

I prefer the analogue alti, where a glance at the needle shows you where you are. I don't need to know that I'm at 6.3 grand, just under 6.5 is close enough.
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I'm currently jumping a digital altimeter (Neptune) after 1000 jumps using analog altimeters. I like it and have no plans to go back to my analog.

If you know anyone who has a Digitude, ask if you can jump it. That's the best way to decide if it's right for you.

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I think you could get a Neptune Wave for about the same price as a Digitude. All the bling of a regular Neptune, just without jump logging.

I'm pretty sure the neptune wave is an audible only. They advertise it for those that already have a neptune to use as a visual. It's more like a pro dytter (though way better).


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I think you could get a Neptune Wave for about the same price as a Digitude. All the bling of a regular Neptune, just without jump logging.

I'm pretty sure the neptune wave is an audible only. They advertise it for those that already have a neptune to use as a visual. It's more like a pro dytter (though way better).


:$Guess you're right...my bad. I wonder if Alti-2 could make a visual firmware upgrade for it if the need arose...

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Yes, I have a decent amount of experience with Digitudes, Neptunes and analogs. I will never go back to analog of my own decision. I will also never buy a Digitude. I've seen so many digitudes crap out, sent back for recalibration, etc, then come back 4-6 months later still crapped out.

I've seen Neptunes crap out as well, and come back the same week from Alti-2 all squared away or with a completely new unit.

Basically eitherway its an electronic device and it will most likely malfunction at some point, so I'd rather go with the company with the better customer service.

As a side note, my analog has malfunctioned more then my Neptune ever did.
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Wow I guess I’ve had the opposite experience as Dave. I bought a used Digitude, the old ones had the battery cover on the top and were prone to break off. Well sure enough mine broke. I sent it back and they put a newer style case on it, (the battery cover on the bottom) put the newer L.E.D. and sent it back the cost was $25 and it took two weeks. It really was like a brand new Digitude. That was over a year ago and its been great ever since. I’m convinced and that’s all I’ll jump given the choice.

Now I have seen quite a few of the older ones around different DZ's that are taped up on the battery cover, but to a person when asked they never tried to send them back.

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i've used both. some folks like to look at a dial, some numbers. when i was flying, we had crews that had trouble getting used to strips verses steam gauges.for me, in an emerg situation, at a quick glance, i can see if i'm at 18 or below and make my decision to cut away without alot of time lost. i have had no trouble maint wise on either the alti 11 or the digitude. i just prefer the digitude and used it the last 3 years with no maint issues. hope this helps. Tom

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I've had one for years, and when it starts acting funny or reading funny it's time to replace the batteries.

I personally can't read analog devices, altimeters/watches/clocks/ect. my brain is programmed to read digital, so for me it was the only option at the time. Other than that, it's much lighter and smaller than the analog and with my small hand it fits much better.
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