
Keeping warm..

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If you go with the flannel sheets suggestion from up-thread, DO NOT also wear flannel PJs! The two combined can be like Velcro and you could end up stuck in bed and starve to death or die of dehydration if not discovered in time! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Not to mention, if you far under the covers and then try rolling over you might just blow yourself up!

Only if the static discharge from flannel on flannel ignites the farts from her boyfriend. :D

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Only if the static discharge from flannel on flannel ignites the farts from her boyfriend. :D

Good flannel should not cause static, it's cotton:P
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Just one of the reasons I'll never get rid of my waterbed. Warm in the winter, cool in the summer.

Ohhh.. Waterbed.. That's always sounded like so much fun!! :):P

Water beds are highly over-rated.

Invest in one of these, or the like...


Holy CRAP!! Did you see the price on that thing??! $300 - £500?!! The water bottles cost me like £10 each!!
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The boiler is upstairs - I don't have access. I can regulate the heaters when it's on, but I can't do anything when it's off!!

Oh, ok. Mean landlord. You could just ask him to turn his own thermostats down instead of switching off the heating. But then I guess he might want to put your rent up! My boiler is 'on' right through the winter months - I simply adjust the thermostat to make sure it doesn't ignite the burner when I'm in bed or I'm out. As far as I know there's no reason not to do that.

When I was a student (looooong time ago now), the only heat in our whole flat came from one of those portable Calor gas heaters. It was a godsend - put out a lot of heat, and the smell takes me right back to those days! Not sure how they're regarded now though - maybe anything portable and gas powered is considered a risk.

There's no reason your electric heater should catch fire unless it's faulty or it's covered up, though.

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It's common practise over here to turn off the heating at night - even in the dead of winter..

Because I'm an insomniac, it means that for several hours that I'm up and the heating is off I'm freezing my ass off!! It's kind of ok because I have a little electric heater, but I don't like using it when I'm sleeping - I'm afraid it will have some kind of failure and start a fire..

My friend suggested hot water bottles, and they are AMAZING!!! :)
Boyfriends are a nice alternative to the hot water bottle method.. The only downside is that their idea of pre-heating the bed usually involves farting.. Hmmm... :S:|

but he's French . . . thats like snuggling with a hibernating wombat isn't it?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
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The boiler is upstairs - I don't have access. I can regulate the heaters when it's on, but I can't do anything when it's off!!

Oh, ok. Mean landlord. You could just ask him to turn his own thermostats down instead of switching off the heating. But then I guess he might want to put your rent up! My boiler is 'on' right through the winter months - I simply adjust the thermostat to make sure it doesn't ignite the burner when I'm in bed or I'm out. As far as I know there's no reason not to do that.

When I was a student (looooong time ago now), the only heat in our whole flat came from one of those portable Calor gas heaters. It was a godsend - put out a lot of heat, and the smell takes me right back to those days! Not sure how they're regarded now though - maybe anything portable and gas powered is considered a risk.

There's no reason your electric heater should catch fire unless it's faulty or it's covered up, though.

I don't think he's mean - it's pretty standard over here to turn off the heat at night.. If you saw our heating bills, you'd understand why!!

My lease prevents me from getting a gas-heater.. And I'm sure the electric plug-in heater is probably fine.. But I don't want to risk it. I only turn it on when I'm in the same room and I can see it.. All it takes is a silly mistake like throwing your clothes in the corner & forgetting that's where the heater is!!
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Just one of the reasons I'll never get rid of my waterbed. Warm in the winter, cool in the summer.

Ohhh.. Waterbed.. That's always sounded like so much fun!! :):P

Water beds are highly over-rated.


Been sleeping on H2O since 1978! You just need a great mattress. Warm warm & warm. :)
Lisa H knows!!!
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Holy CRAP!! Did you see the price on that thing??! $300 - £500?!! The water bottles cost me like £10 each!!

Yeah, but it will keep you warm without having to be refilled with warm / hot water, will last a life time and can be passed on to your children!


I'm an accountant.. And I can tell you that over a lifetime, no amount of water usage is going to add up to $300 to $500!!! Plus I don't intend to have children, so the life-expectancy of said product would be drastically reduced, with no re-sale value..

But for argument's sake, if one were to depreciate on that basis that the blanket could last for more than one generation, the water bottles are *still* a better long-term investment, because the simple mechanism behind the water bottles means they are more likely to "work" in 50 years' time compared to the blanket!! :D:D

Yes. I am a geek. Perhaps this is why I need water-bottles to keep warm at night.. :|
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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