
Today, I'm closer to 40 than 30. Whee!

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Today's that big annual day that mere mortals call a Birthday. I just realized that I'm now closer to 40 than 30.

Thank goodness I already had my mid-life crisis at age 30. 40 should be a piece of cake now!

I guess that means 4 years till POPS?

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Happy b-day!!!!

I'm even closer to 40 than you are :S

“The sum of intelligence on the planet is a constant; the population is growing.” - George Bernard Shaw
He who dies with the most toys, wins.....
dudeist skydiver # 19515
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Well I'm closer to sixty than fifty, I could tell you what you have to look forward too
but I decided not to depress you,

Ahh what the hell, the worst I've found is the calf and thigh muscles cramping up
whilst having vigourous sex, that is really embarassing.
waking up in the morning without a good stiffy,
Being told by the doctor that you can't eat your favourite meals
After drinking a bottle of JD you realise that your bladder muscles arn't as
strong as you thought.
On the political side you know that a few well placed tactical nuclear devices
would solve a lot of problems

On the plus side with age you get more tolarant of assholes like me:P

Gone fishing

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No sympathy from me since I turn 40 this year. Hell, I've been wondering if I'm supposed to join POPS this year or when I turn 41. After all, it's Parachutists OVER Phorty and I'll only be 40.

I'll be 43 in August and I have been slacking on joining POPS ever since I hit 40. Main problem has been very little jumping the last few years. I'll join sometime this year.

Happy Birthday Mark!
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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No sympathy from me since I turn 40 this year. Hell, I've been wondering if I'm supposed to join POPS this year or when I turn 41. After all, it's Parachutists OVER Phorty and I'll only be 40.

Only if you're rounding to integers. Technically, the first tiniest amount of unit of quantum time over 35.0000000(...) years, I was already over exactly 35 and therefore, closer to exactly 40 than exactly 30. Then throw in the fact that an Earth Year actually varies (in the order of picoseconds and nanoseconds), and we occasionally do leap-second adjustments. This then all complicates the definition somewhat for the first instant.

However, once you're about a few seconds past your birthday, such calculations are irrelevant. In addition, your birthday is defined as the exact moment you were born. Exactness is up for debate, (is that when you're partially or fullly pop out of your mommy, or when the umbilical cord gets cut?)


You're already at least several seconds after age 40, so go ahead and try to join. ;)

...But that's only if POPS uses floating point ages, rather than integer ages.

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the worst I've found is the calf and thigh muscles cramping up
whilst having vigourous sex

At your age that sounds like a nice problem to have. :P;)

I find myself reaching for the Viagra if I hoep to have vigoruros sex! (Fuck that, any sex):ph34r:

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