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Hello everyone, I'm a total newbie to skydiving world. I've been reading about it (on this forum and other literature) about it though. I really wanna start doing it this summer. I'm 19 years old, college student. I'd like to know whether it's wise to save money i'll earn over the summer and buy a rig or just keep using rentals (do they provide those, say after u complete basic certification, ~25 jumps if i understood you correctly). I understand that this is a pretty expensive sport. Basically while in college i don't spent much money (pretty much don't spend at all, since my college is in a very rural area, local town is like a 1000 people). There is a skydving club like 2 hours away or so. I'm thinking about getting certification this summer. I'll have about ~1500-2000 by the end of the summer left. I'm 5'8" ~140 pounds. I play tennis for college, and in charge of our paintball club. I really would like to pick this sport up. Can you please recommend any good rigs. From what i heard Javelin is very good. But i'm still confused how to pick the right size. Any tips on any subject will be appreciated. Sorry for such a long post. Thanks in advance.

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Put as much money together as you can. That way you can go through your student progression without interruption. Work with your instructors after you get your license about what gear to get.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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You could jump everyday if your local dropzone jumps all week long and has instructors there everyday. I doubt that is the case though, most likely your jumps will be done durring the weekend and you can get in a few each day on sat-sun if you are progressing well.

Greenie in training.

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The frequency you jump will be determined by your progress, the weather and the type of program you're in (e.g. AFF, static line, IAD, etc...). Frequency can range from once a day to several times a day. It all depends on how well (or not well) you do.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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about the non interruption thing, i have no idea. but before i got "interrupted" i jumped almost every weekend(except for weather) sometimes 2-3 times a day. i had 32 jumps in and a problem with a slight left hand spin. that coupled with a job change, not too good marriage, and military deployment, led to a 3 year absence. i now have over 70 jumps and no license. i plan to finish up and get it this spring. the one thing i can say from experience is that if you go s/l, you'll have better canopy control. also, get someone who has been airborne in the military to show you a correct plf in case you ever need it. civilians just don't get it. in airborne school, you practice plf's for two weeks before you get in the air on a chute. now i realize that with a square, you'll probably never need to plf, but it pays to know what to do if you do need it. keep your feet and knees together, don't reach for the ground, and listen to your instructors and do what they tell you. you'll have a blast. good luck
Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes

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also, get someone who has been airborne in the military to show you a correct plf in case you ever need it

never been in airboren school but i could still show someone a correct plf..... and even with squares they can be needed, most likely as a student.... students tend to fly big canopies that don't have much forward speed, if they flare to high they will need the plf just the same as a guy jumping a t-10 ( or me jumping my paracomander)...the plf is not dead and still a valuable tool to aid in injury prevention..... now the thing is once you get into fater flying canopies you sort of have to modify your plf as you have alot of forward speed to too depending onwhatis going on...... not going to get into that on this thread..

"i have no reader's digest version"

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