
Vector III Micron v306, PD 126 and Samurai 105

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Cool. thanks. think a 113 would be a good fit with a cypre in there? from what I have noticed, some vector III's come in tall and narrow sizes, and other's come in short wide shapes. I think the 306's come in the short fat size. is this what you have noticed?


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I used to have a 306 w/ a PD113 and cypress. It was tight but still looked very nice. I've now got a v316 (reserve tray is the same) with a R-max 118, Vigil and it also looks nice.
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Here's a picture of my 306.

RWS also makes a Micron 319 that has the same width and thickness as a 306 but is 18 inches long compared to the 306's 16 inch length. A sharp looking container.

I have a PD113 in my 306 and it fits in there very snug. Trying to put a 126 in there is a bad idea because it will look ugly and compromise the safety of the system. RWS has clearly stated that cramming reserves bigger than what the container was designed for is not wise. Folks in the company are smart, I'd follow their advice.

Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website


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I've got a 113 reserve and a stilletto 120 main, and yes, the longer container for the 319 makes room for the extra volume in the reserve tray, the main tray allows for a max recommended size of a 120. If you want to jump a 126 reserve, the 319 the best bet for you, and I don't even think that the main tray will be that big for your 105 (my 120 is pretty tight in there).

Mass Defiance 4-wayFS website


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as you know the reserve tray is design for a 113R and a 120 R-ma\x and what so ever. A 126R w/cypres won't look as good. and the rigger doing the repack needs to take its time and be really neat with a good bulk distribution.
Just my two cents.
I don;t recomend that combination:|

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put simply, all Micron containers are 10" wide at the top and 10" wide at the bottom, except for the 308 and 310 which are 10" and 11" respectively.

the tall models are the ones with the "1"s in the middle, i.e. the 310, 314, 316, 319.

so really the major difference, depending on what goes in it, is in thickness (biased by length).

does this make sense? i think that's the basic gist of it... i could be wrong. :S

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I have a Micron V306 and a Tempo 120 reserve that packs pretty tight in it. So, like everyone else has said, I don't think a PD126R would fit right. But if you have decided that a 126 is the right size reserve for you, then I would say buy a container to fit that size reserve; don't downsize the reserve just so you can have a smaller container.

Oh, and yeah, my Micron looks short and fat and seems to stick out really far behind my back. If/when I buy another rig, I will probably get a regular Vector, not the Micron. (But that's just my personal preference; I'm guessing that different rig styles work for different body shapes/sizes.)

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I am comfortable with a 113 or a 126 or larger. I just have one of each. I have a javelin nj and the 126 is tight. I was considering swapping them cuz a 113 would fit better in the nj, but sounds like 126 is definetly not an option. I actually think I am going to buy a mirage mx and put my 126 in there.


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