
Transferring files from iMac to MacBook Pro

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I bought a new MacBook Pro today. It's operating system is the new OS Lion. I already have an iMac (bought early 2010). Normally, I back up the iMac onto an external HD. The iMac's operating system is Mac OS X.

I am having issues downloading my last iMac backup onto the new MacBook Pro. That's usually the way to transfer files from one Mac to another.

Not sure what I am doing wrong and it is frustrating me!!!

Macs are supposed to be easy and idiot-proof.


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Macs are supposed to be easy and idiot-proof.

No matter how much you idiot proof something, a new idiot manages to fuck it all up!:P
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edit to add:
some it guy huh? can't figure out how to make a clicky, but i got the link to the right answer

EDIT: you have to use the url button correctly. The first url should look like this: url (with the brackets enclosing it) and the last url marker after all text,etc should look like this /url (with the brackets enclosing it)

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Word of advise, don't try and use the wireless method for migration, it is incredibly slow as in unrealistic. Use a firewire and or a USB cable between both Macs. Go to your Applications folder and look for the Utilities folder. In that folder click on the Migration assistant and then follow the directions. Everything that is on your old computer will then be transferred to the new one, programs, files, etc. It's all select and click, no need for any computer ninja skills.

Depending on the amount of data it may take a few minutes to a few hours.
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I went and did that late last night using Migration Assistant and the external HD that I back my iMac into. It worked, but NOT all the files transferred over (I'm missing some music on my iTunes, pics on iPhoto, etc). Going to try from scratch again today (aka restore MacBook Pro to factory settings and try again). If that don't work, will take the laptop to my place where the iMac is and try a direct transfer

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I'll pile onto this thread with my own question. Can I get my Ipad2 to access files on my Macbook Pro (other than whats in Itunes) over my wireless network?

If by access you mean open and read documents that are on your Mac with your Ipad, then the app Dropbox would be the way to go along with the "Docs to Go" app and a PDF reader app. to open the specific type(s) of files you have. You can also VPN in from your ipad to your Mac but I haven't goofed with that app. If you only need access to a few specific documents on your Mac then dropbox might be your solution.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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I went and did that late last night using Migration Assistant and the external HD that I back my iMac into. It worked, but NOT all the files transferred over (I'm missing some music on my iTunes, pics on iPhoto, etc). Going to try from scratch again today (aka restore MacBook Pro to factory settings and try again). If that don't work, will take the laptop to my place where the iMac is and try a direct transfer

Are you migrating your entire imac HD or just the time machine backups to the new macbook Pro? If you do an entire migration of the iMac HD, it will transfer everything, to include your current settings and installed programs, to your new MBPro. Sounds like you might have selected something other than the entire imac HD to MB pro migration.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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I want to migrate the entire iMac HD over to my MacBook Pro. Right now, I don't have the iMac here, just only the external HD with the Time Machine backups.

I'm going back to my place today and will reset the MacBook Pro to the factory settings, and try again to transfer the entire iMac HD.

Hook both the imac and the MBpro up and transfer the entire Imac HD, not just the time machine backups to the MBPro. It will also ask if you want to transfer all your Time machine backups over to the new MBPro, select yes if you want to but you already have them on your imac. It will literally take whats on your imac and put it on your MBPro verbatim.

You may run into a few permission issues once the migration is done to the MBPro when it comes to opening a document or changing it but that is easily fixed by giving yourself permission to modify the document if the issue even pops up.
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
Some people dream about flying, I live my dream

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