
This sucks

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So I get informed at work I'm out of time to take my last two weeks of vacation, or I lose them. OK cool, I'll take one week now and other next month and spend my week getting off student status. I go by the bank get a grand out and go home and pack a bag. So I get up at six call my DZ and its 30 degrees and 25 mph wind. Weather guy said would be in 60's and light wind. I need a job where I can be wrong everyday and not lose my job like weather guys or gals.
Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”

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You have 2 weeks of vacation and a grand in cash. That sounds pretty awesome from where I'm sitting. Go to Vegas and get ahold of some hookers and blow. You will forget all about learning how to skydive.

I don't know about that. We saw what that did for Charlie Sheen!


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Just let it go...there will be more opportunities.

Sometimes inconveniences can save your life!


Your still on student status. By the time you pay the $$$ to fly some place, pay for AFF or whatever, + gear rental etc:S

The sky's not going anywhere, your getting paid and not working:).

Things could be worseB|

One Jump Wonder

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