
Male sex drive?

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ha ha, I once had a friend try an oyster when we were all out to dinner, and she spat it out - Whole!

If you are not too keen, don't do it, not until I can coach you to eat them without pulling a face!


I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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List for things to buy before the next 29 days


Sweety...........I also ordered something from www.ogoplex.com ;) I have been told it's the absolute shit! B| The only bad part.............they sent it to my "Billing" address instead of the one here. My Mom was like "Uhhhh............you recieved something 'strange' in the mail." :D:D

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Remember to chew! Many people swallow whole and it is like a slime ball. You must chew. Yummy!!

That's it: you're completely redeemed.

And how!!! B|

Thanks Sudsy, you made my day!

I think true friendship is under-rated

Twitter: @Dreamskygirlsa

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Remember to chew! Many people swallow whole and it is like a slime ball. You must chew. Yummy!!

That's it: you're completely redeemed.

And how!!! B|

That reminds of something:
How do you know if you have a high sperm count?
Your girlfriend has to chew before swallowing.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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List for things to buy before the next 29 days


I will definitely drug him with zinc ;) Will also try the oyster thing.

I also never discuss anything not perfect about our relationship (which is why the anonymous post). None of our friends know what is going on. Fortunately, we very rarely have any issues at all, so really nothing negative to tell anyway.

Wow. Thread still goin into the next day :-)
I dont want to argue anymore about whether people are obligated to provide sex with their SO, its moot and not even really what the thread was about in the first place.

In the physical realm, you may find this to be of interest.

On the subject of zinc, ZMA is a great suppliment. Its zinc and magnesium aspartate. Both together work far more effecively at increasing natural testosterone production.

I take it religeously.
Magnesium Aspartate 450 mg daily.
Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate 30 mg daily.
Be forewarned. Its not an aphrodesiac or magic potion. It takes regular use to effectively increase testosterone levels.
Slipping someone a zinc mickey one time wont have any effect at all on sex drive.

Most folks into heavy weight lifting use this because the regular intense exertion depletes these minerals and can negatively impact testosterone levels.

There are several other OTC suppliments that work very well in conjunction with ZMA and did actually have a marked affect on my own sex drive, but they became too expensive for me to continue regular use.

6-OXO (androstenetrione) - This is an aromatase inhibitor. It binds and eliminates aromatase which is a hormone that converts testosterone into estrogen. It also causes the pituitary gland to release more leutinizing hormone which also causes the testes to increase testosterone production.

Tribulus Terrestris- a natural plant extract that also causes the pituitary gland to release more leutinizing hormone with the same effect mentioned above.

These 3 together are a very potent and effective "Stack" and provided some serious results.
Frankly I was as horny as a 18 year old. Once again, maintaining this regimen was very expensive and I couldnt maintain it. It was costing me something like $120.00 per month.

Some may find its worth the money.
These are NOT steroid, nor are they considered "pro-hormone" suppliments by the FDA. They are not "andro" products either.
All legal and safe products that increase natural testosterone production.

My mighty steed

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ha ha, I once had a friend try an oyster when we were all out to dinner, and she spat it out - Whole!

If you are not too keen, don't do it, not until I can coach you to eat them without pulling a face!


Also go out for Japanese get him to try the Unagi ;)

Unagi POWER!
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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I'm very fond of oysters, although I prefer "angels on horseback" (oysters wrapped in bacon and broiled) or oyster stew.

While I prefer them raw, there is a chinese place where I live that serves them fried with a very thin layer of batter and spicy sea salt..and they toss in a couple of sliced fried jalapenos. That always seems to light my fire and put lead in the pencil. (scientifically speaking of course)

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Dear all...

Obviously, this is an old thread. I spent a very long time trying to decide if I wanted to uproot it again or not, but in the interests of public information and shining light on something so rooted in secrecy and shame, decided to do so.

Despite our very happy marriage, it turns out my husband led a double life of a sex addict. Sex addiction is as much about sex as gambling addiction is about money. It is an attachment disorder more than an addiction. He lived his entire life that way, superficially one way, underneath living a very dark and horrible double life, and I had absolutely no idea. No one did. This started when he was 7-8 years old.

He turned me down because sex with me was not just sex, it was connection. Connection is scary to a sex addict since it is not about control, fantasy, or power. They are wracked with guilt when they act out, and yet they are so full of shame that they do not know how to break out of the quicksand of lies, embarrassment, pain, regret, and everything else that sucks them in to that world.

Statistics say that 6-7% of the population are sex addicts. It is completely invisible. It may not involve actual sex, but more often involves masturbation, fantasy, etc. These people isolate themselves, consider themselves having no friends, never reach out to others, and over 80% have been sexually abused as children.

The details of my situation don't matter. I always thought sex addiction was just a term used as an excuse to cheat. After reading through reams of primary research and experiencing Sexaholics Anonymous and SAnon materials, the books of Patrick Carnes, and a host of others that do the research in the field, I learned that I was very wrong. Yes, the term is over used and is used as an excuse sometimes, but it is also a very real and horrible condition.

I am posting just to raise a little awareness, and if others have faced the reality of living this hell as either addict or spouse, well, you're not alone.

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