
Fun question from an 11 yr old

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Sounds like we need to get Rocky some Tunnel time.

I'd thought of that; A squirrel-sized tunnel that could be tilted to let them glide in it.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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It seems to me a guy named "Squeak" should be able to just ask the squirrels.

Maybe it's not the SAME language but it should be close. Like it would be if I was in Wales... or the deep South.

Elvisio "didn't understand a word of that but you're smiling, so I will just smile and nod back" Rodriguez

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So my son & I were talking about skydiving, and out of the blue he comes up with "what would happen in you threw a flying squirrel out of an airplane?" ...

I think he'd fall out of the harness. And even if not, no opposable thumbs. He probably couldn't grasp the PC.

(seriously, Quade has the freefall and landing part right, IF he could glide to the ground, he should be able to land.

I'd worry about two different things:

1 - stupid animal - would the dramatic change in comfort zone flip out the squirrel and he'd just give up or disorientate before eventually getting down - our even be composed from the start

2 - the snatch from the 'launch' would probably damage the animal before any of the other stuff even matters. (Try dropping him from a deployed canopy instead of pitching out the door of a moving craft - if the experiment is seeing if he can stay oriented from a very large height outside his normal experience)

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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"what would happen in you threw a flying squirrel out of an airplane?"

The answer is that it depends on where you threw the squirrel out.

If it was in Texas, it would land safely, then be shot by someone who would slap it on the barbeque.

If it was in California, it would land safely in the middle of a group of Earth-First, singing "Welcome, Home". When you landed PETA would shout obscenities at you through a megaphone, and the sheriff would have to cite you for cruelty to animals, so it looks to the media like they are doing something useful. Johnnie Chochran would offer to defend you under the premise that the squirrel jumped by itself, and you were an unfortunate by-stander.
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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