
Where is the closet DZ to Rancho Mirage, CA?

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I can honestly say you aren't even close on that. You meant to say 2500 drunken bored skydivers at Quincy in the rain. Let the carnage begin. Drunken base jumps off motor homes into the waiting arms of equally drunken catchers smashing their foreheads together. Then it gets worse

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78 miles from Rancho Mirage, CA?
Someone said there was one 20 minutes from here...

I cant find anything closer than Perris or Elsinore
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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Im trying to look but am limited by this MS OS interface
A lot of things blocked

you are between 1hr15 and 1hr45min of 3 VERY good DZs,
Lake Elsinore
Tsunami (Oceanside)

Disregard Sparky's post he had you at EL Mirage not Rancho Mirage
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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thanks for the help
Im not sure I will be allowed to jump when I move to their housing. [:/]
But, I have the info
Parris is 1hr 12 min out and appears to have a wind tunnel for others that may want to check it out
Blue Skies!

Yea, you're welcome.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Man, I need to jump. B|
I'd like to get to know a skydiver or two in the area.
I freak'n hope NY exRanch hand gets me my gear soon! My last jump was in July, there, and then some stuff happened... hospital, trip to CAlly... Bill W. friends...

It's Betty bed time, and 6AM is wake-up.

Jump high, pull low, F your rigger... (Two outta three aint bad)

(Addicts are cool... they're F'n wired all the time; on or off their "drug of choice". LOL)

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