
Website hosting

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Has anyone have experience with building a website?
I don't need a huge elaborate one, just something to refer potential customers to and communicate basic information.

Some friends have used Web.com and godaddy.

Anyone want to chime in here with some positives or definite "stay away from..."

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Branzone https://www.branzone.com/Web-Hosting/ is run by a buddy of mine. He does a good job of keeping the hardware in great shape and his support system is (last I checked) pretty good.

I host on my own server at home now, but for no real reason other than because I can.
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I use weebly.com for my website and it has served me very well. With a little bit a work you make it look really good. I put my own together and managed to get on the first page of Google for a few good keywords :-) If you go with them and want any advice pm me and I will do my best to help.

You can get your own domain name, but I would get it from an outside source as I am not sure if weebly will let you take your domain name if you decide to change to another provider.
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It’s easy and inexpensive to do it yourself; you don’t need a single company to provide everything in a “package”. You need:

- register a domain name (about $10)

- buy FTP software (example such as CuteFTP www.cuteftp.com)

- design your own site using anything from Microsoft Publisher (part of MS Office, which most people already have) to more elaborate programmes such as Adobe Dreamweaver. There are tons of free templates available

- pay for webhosting package and FTP your site files up when done (there are thousands of basic webhosting companies to choose from)

You don’t need any html coding skills, it’s actually quite easy
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