
new containers

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roughly 8 I'd say.

Roughly four times that;) Even if the patterns are made and the people knows what they are doing. Different designs may require more or less time, depending on parts count and construction methods.


In comparison, when I worked at Butler Parachute Systems, it took us between 16 and 24 hours to make a pilot emergency harness container.
PEPs only contain one canopy and are much simpler than skydiving rigs.
Time varied widely depending upon the complexity of the harness (how many adjusters), AADs, static-lines, etc.

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You might call or e-mail one of the manufacturer's and ask them. I would guess at 6 - 8 days. Again, as mentioned in a previous post, depending on the order. Harness' are made separately (of course) and the container is constructed. Along the way, are a series of inspections leading up to final inspections. Templates are used and the pieces hot-knifed. It is an 'assembly - line' type operation. If, you are ever in the vicinity of one of the manufacturer's, stop by or call. Some if not all, have 'tours'. I haven't checked lately but, Rigging Innovations in Eloy (does/did). It is a really interesting process.B| There's a lot of work and time involved.


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The pieces-parts ( risers, toggles, pilot chutes, etc.) take longer to make than the rig itself. I used to be able to make a Vector I (no pieces) in about 8 hours by myself. However, Vector III's take considerably longer. And please remember the time it takes to take the order, phone people to correct errors, write a correct production order, set up the embroidery, inspect, and ship. All of this adds up to well over 40 hours. And don't tell me rigs are too expensive. My bill for employee health insurance and Workman's comp combined is over $330,000, and then come the lawyers and accountants. You have to make a lot of rigs to make up for these, and many other expences, that have nothing to do with actually making the rig itself. How I long for the old days.

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Bill is right on the money, I could have never imagined how many separate pieces go into a modern rig....
it would be so different if we made rigs like they make cars...
you know, they have huge batches that are identical.
For the most part all of the rigs we make are different (teams are the exception).
I have a new view for modern rigs now...:)

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Thank you, Bill! I guess, I could've been more specific rather than being brief. I think, you've given us all some real insight into what it takes. I don't believe, I've ever said rigs were too expensive. I fully understand what is involved. When I was working on my Master's certificate, at Sandy Reid's, I got the 'nickel tour'. Costs on everything rise. I know that, on just a minor scale. It's strange, I don't hear many complaints about the increased cost of a new pick-up! Long for the old days? You and me Both! Thank you, again.


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click on the "copy shortcut" from under the posters name that you want to link to. Click the URL button just under the text box to type in, paste the address, click the URL botton again :)

Ok I'm not doing something right. I can't get the link to work, the "url" button doesn't seem to do anything. The link address appears in the message but doesn't activate when the curser is moved over it. I've tried it several times and had to delete it each tine as it doesn't work, am I missing a step or two? BTW right click gives the option "create shortcut" not copy shortcut, any difference?


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click on the "copy shortcut" from under the posters name that you want to link to. Click the URL button just under the text box to type in, paste the address, click the URL botton again :)

Ok I'm not doing something right. I can't get the link to work, the "url" button doesn't seem to do anything. The link address appears in the message but doesn't activate when the curser is moved over it. I've tried it several times and had to delete it each tine as it doesn't work, am I missing a step or two? BTW right click gives the option "create shortcut" not copy shortcut, any difference?


Hope this works.


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