
pilot main/smart reserve???

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I am a gear dealer, and so far we are batting 1000 for customer saticfaction and manufacturer service.

We have had repeat business from a couple of jumpers that really love the Pilot main.

I have demoed the reserve, but our DZ has no "real" Smart reserve rides yet. It is built solid and flares great.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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I have about 50 jumps on my Pilot 132 now. Very pleased. I have no complaints. The openings have been great, much better than my previous canopies. The only canopy I've jumped that has even more consistent (on-heading, soft) openings has been the Spectre. The Pilot doesn't open quite as slowly as the Spectre, at least from my experience. And I'm fine with that...

In my experience, it doesn't hunt for a heading like the Sabre2. (but maybe the Sabre2 I was jumping just had something wrong with it)

It's fun/easy to spiral, flares nicely, etc. ("Fun" for me, a person who has no desire to go "high-performance" and isn't loading it much at all - 1.09 or so)

Maybe you can get a demo from Aerodyne once Rantoul is over. I'd highly recommend the Pilot. And everyone at Aerodyne was great to work with.

I have heard good things, and nothing bad, about the Smart, but I will stick with my trusty PD 126 reserve. (3 rides, all beautiful).

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I jumped the pilot a few weeks ago in the Icon container. Overall I did like it, although the brake lines on the one I jumped seemed like they were a little bit too long, so it didn't seem very responsive at the top of the toggle stroke. I got great landings out of it, and it was fun to fly. Personally, I still prefer my Sabre2, but it's a close contest.

I've only got 80 jumps, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
30005KT 10SM SKC 23/05 A3006

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I have jumped both the Pilot 168 & 132, and all very happy with the overall preformance of the Pilot, the openings are great, the flying is funa nd easy, and the landings are good. I rate it as a very good all round canopy.

Our National 4-Way Teams all jump either Pilots or Visiona and from what I have heard they are all happy with the gear.

We have also had one Smart ride on our DZ, it was a Smart 120 and the jumper was happy with the opening and the flying of the Smart, the landing was what impressed the jumper the most.

All in all the new Aerodyne gear is excellent. I jump a Vision 124, loaded at about 1.5 and have nothing but praise for it.

Better never to have met you in my dream than to wake and reach for hands that are not there.

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I've jumped the Pilot 132, 140, 150 and 210, and they are excellent intermediate canopies. The larger sizes put me in mind of the Silhouette in terms of performance, while the smaller ones are closer to the Sabre 2/Safire type canopies, with slightly better openings. Only thing they aren't very good at is front riser manuevers; they are not the canopy to get if front riser hook turns are your thing.

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I second the front riser thing. My Hornet 190 (which is the same as a Pilot 190) bucks quite a bit when I do front riser turns, or double front riser approaches. I'm lengthening the brake lines bit by bit to see if I can make this better, but I don't hold out much hope.

Other than that one thing, the canopy rocks. I think some people complained that it "oversteers" after a turn but I guess I just learned to let up my toggle or riser a bit early and it goes right where I want it.


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Don't know who you're talking to, I could make a guess.....:)

The Pilot is most definately NOT built out of Gelvanor fabric. They use a DuPont Material. Might be SoarCoat, if not it's almost identical.

The trim is different. By how much, I don't hav the figures. The Planform also is different.

Add to that the openings are nothing like the Hornet. Slow and smooth with even presurization. Nice canopy.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Don't know who you're talking to, I could make a guess.....:)

I'll spill: local slack-jawed yokels at my DZ. (A.k.a. sky-brethren. ;))


The Pilot is most definately NOT built out of Gelvanor fabric. They use a DuPont Material. Might be SoarCoat, if not it's almost identical.

Argh, that figures.


The trim is different. By how much, I don't hav the figures. The Planform also is different.

Add to that the openings are nothing like the Hornet. Slow and smooth with even presurization. Nice canopy.

OK, it's on my list of canopies to get around to demoing. Definitely sounds like an update to the Hornet:

(Lead Canopy Engineer's voice:) "OK, lessee, we got the Hornet. What do we need to change here. Ah, openings should be more reliably soft... tighten up the control range a bit... and make it harder than hell to pack when it's new. That should do it." ;)


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Aerodyne has hit a home run with the Pilot canopy and the Smart reserve.

I have seen only one person that didn't like their Pilot, and they wanted to go to an eliptical anyways.

IMHO the Pilot is the best 9 cell intermediate canopy out right now. Nice openings, great flight characteristics and packs up real nice as well.

I have watched die-hard PD pilots put one jump on a Pilot and go by one immediately.

I put over 150 jumps on a 150 and had no complaints at all. I have seen people that couldn't stand up a landing to save ever, that jumped the pilot and are standing them up all the time now. It is forgiving and flies well in slow flight as well as working it out and coming in really fast.

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... and make it harder than hell to pack when it's new. That should do it."

Come to think of it I did see that performance requirement on the pre-press release.....:D:D:D:D:D

Nice one!:P
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Only thing they aren't very good at is front riser manuevers; they are not the canopy to get if front riser hook turns are your thing.

Bill and I differ on this point. I think the pilot and the Vision do very well with fronts. I use mine allthetime on my Vision and wehn I jumped the pilot and never had a problem unless it was a mistake that I made. I think BIll dosent like the fact that it plans out so fast. He feel you have to start your turns lower. I thinkit is all about the technique that you use.

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(Lead Canopy Engineer's voice:) "OK, lessee, we got the Hornet. What do we need to change here. Ah, openings should be more reliably soft... tighten up the control range a bit... and make it harder than hell to pack when it's new. That should do it."

Funny but not true either.

The hornet was made by PISA, they don't exist anymore. Aerodyne had there own designers and is a different company. DOn't believe the hype.

Sounds like you brake lines are to short on your Hornet.

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I'll spill: local slack-jawed yokels at my DZ. (A.k.a. sky-brethren. )

Having started jumping up in Wa. I know where most of the people up there get there gear info from. I can't believe people up thier are still listening to this certain person. I won't name him, but the guy is full o shit and will lie to his own mother to sell her what he has in stock.

I bet you asked him about he Pilot and he wanted you to buy a Hornet and told you that story to sell what he had around.

I may be wrong about that , but I have a real good feeling about who it is.

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I'll spill: local slack-jawed yokels at my DZ. (A.k.a. sky-brethren. )

Having started jumping up in Wa. I know where most of the people up there get there gear info from. I can't believe people up thier are still listening to this certain person. I won't name him, but the guy is full o shit and will lie to his own mother to sell her what he has in stock.

I bet you asked him about he Pilot and he wanted you to buy a Hornet and told you that story to sell what he had around.

I may be wrong about that , but I have a real good feeling about who it is.

In this particular instance I can defend everyone who sells gear everywhere: nobody told me to buy a Hornet. I needed "first gear" and I had experience with Triathlon and Hornet and one was 100% more my style, so I went with it, and I've been very happy with it right up until I try to fly it with the front risers.

Regarding this guy and what he'll tell people, I don't have anything to say.


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The pilot is an awesome canopy.
The openings are great and it flies really well.

I battled a bit packing the canopy at first cos it’s a slippery bastard but got it right after a couple of tries (S-fold is the way to go).

I also have the Smart Reserve, but I have never taken a ride on it.

Respect my authoritah!

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