
A TM jumpsuit

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Yes, I know a company makes a "TM" jumpsuit for the instructor and the student, but its not really to my liking and IMHO could be improved upon.

What I would like to find...

I was jumping in a pair of baggy motocross pants for a while with a t-shirt but really needed something with a little more fallrate control to help out the video guys, so I started jumping in my FF suit again for tandems. Well, doing TM work in my FF suit has tore it up (I try, but can't stand up *every* landing:P ), so now I would really like to find an "off the shelf" TM jumpsuit with a few important features. Although I don't know if there is anything like this out there (that's why I'm asking).

1. Baggy FF suit style. Velcro cuffs arms and legs
2. Heavily reinforced cordura butt and knees
3. Secure pockets on the outside of the mid-thigh on the legs (carry mints/life savers/hair band/whatever for my students) so they're easily accessable even with the rig on/student hooked up
4. Lightweight/breatable material on the torso, front and back (makes a huge difference when doing those back to back to back...etc, on hot summer days)
5. Jack the rippers on both legs (that' not a biggy, easily "fixed" later)

Possibly some other options, but that's what I could think of right now.

Sound like a good idea to the other TMs out there? Any suggestions? Do you think a jumpsuit manufacture would be interested in offering a suit like that to TMs or do you think this might be a "special order" on my part?
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1. Baggy FF suit style. Velcro cuffs arms and legs
2. Heavily reinforced cordura butt and knees
3. Secure pockets on the outside of the mid-thigh on the legs (carry mints/life savers/hair band/whatever for my students) so they're easily accessable even with the rig on/student hooked up
4. Lightweight/breatable material on the torso, front and back (makes a huge difference when doing those back to back to back...etc, on hot summer days)
5. Jack the rippers on both legs (that' not a biggy, easily "fixed" later)

Possibly some other options, but that's what I could think of right now.

Sound like a good idea to the other TMs out there? Any suggestions? Do you think a jumpsuit manufacture would be interested in offering a suit like that to TMs or do you think this might be a "special order" on my part?

I know of at least one company that makes suits like this. And they havea history of quality. Many testimonials by instructors.....
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i know it has been a while since you were there last so, ssm uses firefly pants as staff tm suits. Cordura butts and baggy bells on legs. Firefly's full suits (at coulter field in august????) have velcro cuffs on the arms also. I would suggest pants with a baggy option and varying a t-shirt/ls shirt depending on weather and fall rate. Tell your vidiots to fly their slot!:D:D;)

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Dave, I wear a pair of baggy "cargo" pants I got at Old Navy. They work great and at $20-$50 a pair they are a lot cheaper. For a shirt, I wear a winter cycling jersey, but only for big students during the summer. So for less than a hundred bucks I have a pretty nice suit that will last a year or two.
blue skies,


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Not sure which mfr you're referring to, but take a look at the standard Flite Suit (from Flite Suit ;)). Velcro cuffs at the ankles (not sure about wrists), Cordura butt and knee reinforcement (you can add padding to them as well) and pockets are all available options. You can order it with or without grippers.

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I'm No Tandem Master, but a DZO here in my area makes her own brand of Tandem JumpSuites for CHEAP, especially if YOU provide your own fabric - THey use them at Skydive Kansas, very versitile, and they have all the qualities you are looking for - and for the price I wouldn't feel bad ripping them up doing tandems and getting a new one every other year or so...

Get ahold of Jen At Skydive Kansas, check out their webpage HERE or give her a call at (913)-301-DIVE
=========Shaun ==========

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