
cheapER gear?

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ok. i understand that by getting into skydiving i have committed to being broke for most of the rest of my life. :) or at least that's the impression i get from everyone around me at the DZ. So I suppose there's no way to get cheap, safe gear. but does anyone have any recommendations for how-not-to-go-ABSOLUTELY-broke buying gear?

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Buy used for your first rig. A lot of people do that, and its a good way to get started.

Talk to your instructors and your local riggers about what sized gear you should be looking for, what kind of canopies, etc, since they're the ones that have seen you fly and could help you find what you need for your skill level and weight.

Once you have that taken care of, you can search here on DZ.com's classifieds, as well as chat to the folks at your DZ. I'm sure you'll find just what you need for a reasonable price.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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At my DZ, gear rental is $25 per jump. In the long run, you will go broke renting, and have nothing to show for it.

I agree with AggieDave. My first two rigs were used - the first one more than 15 years old. Now, I'm finally ready to think about buying new, and I think I know enough about gear to know what I want and what is a fair price for it.
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You can get fully airworthy used gear for a reasonable amount of money. Just be sure to be somewhat picky about who you buy from. Get a instructor (who also has a rigger ticket, if possible) to be your advocate.
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At my DZ, gear rental is $25 per jump. In the long run, you will go broke renting, and have nothing to show for it.

At my dz rental gear is $45 per jump! I want to buy a rig asap once I've finished AFF and done my b-rels and get a few more jumps up.
I dont want to be buying a huge canopy because I will be jumping it for a fair while (i have almost no money!) but at the same time, I know the dangers of jumping a canopy too advanced for me. I dont want to be giving the dz $45 extra per jump, but for a while I have no other choice. Ugh, its depressing!
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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same here. i know in the long run it's more cost efficient to get my own gear, but i just don't have the cash for it right now, and i'm a little nervous about making that large an investment when I don't know all that much about gear yet!

that said, people here are really helpful :)

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i'm a little nervous about making that large an investment when I don't know all that much about gear yet!

I wouldn't rush into buying gear. Do a little research and keep reading these forums, once you have ~50 jumps you will know what you want. I have known a couple people that got in a hurry and ended up with gear that wasn't really suitable for them. Also, by waiting a bit, you might avoid some of the downsizing trend that everyone goes through right off student status.

I waited until I had 50 jumps to buy my first rig and had a new wings rig built. It will accommodate canopies with WL's (for me) of 1.3 to 1.6, so I think I should be able to use it for quite some time. I have friends that didn't wait and they are saving up for new rigs right now. Just my thoughts.


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I dont want to be buying a huge canopy because I will be jumping it for a fair while (i have almost no money!) but at the same time, I know the dangers of jumping a canopy too advanced for me.

Here is my goal with folks buying used gear for their first 100 - 200 jumps. Buy the size that is appropriate NOW! If you buy what you think you will be jumping in the future, the future may never come.

That being said.... You can buy a good modern used system at a fair price, put 100 -200 jumps on it. Then sell the whole thing for about $1 or $2 per jump less than what you bought it for. I have sold the same rig 5 times! Each new jumper taking only a small hit at resale time. In fact for a couple of customers, they sold the rig again for exactly what they bought it for after 100 jumps as they kept the gear in perfect condition. Often times you can find your second used system for the same price as the first.

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Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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Thanks for the advice gravity girl. I would never buy anything too advanced for me, I know skydiving is dangerous, and I dont want to be the person on the dz that people talk about saying stuff like "now shes an accident waiting to happen!". Before I buy anything I'm going to talk to LOTS of people with experience and then if I find a rig I am thinking of buying, get my instructors to check it out for me first.
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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